Friday, September 27, 2013

Crapping a finger & St. John's Wort.

You guys. It literally looked like I crapped out a finger yesterday.
If it was at all socially acceptable to post pics of poo (good alliteration) on your blog, you would be staring at a photo of poop - that looked like a human finger.

I did not make it to the gym yesterday.
I really don't know what my problem is. I think it's stress. I think that's an excuse.

Little known fact about me: the song "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias has been stuck in my head since MTV's "Making the Video" premiered it.
That's a long time to have a bad song stuck in your head. My friend Rachel even karaoked it for me on my 21st birthday.
Good times.
RIP mole. I miss you.

Last night a friend and I met for dinner at BJs because we both had gift cards!

I know what you're thinking - THANKS FOR THE PIC OF THE GIFTCARD (wtf is the matter with her?)...
I managed to take a picture of the gift card, but not the food?
Probably because within seconds I devoured EVERYTHING on my plate.
That's actually not true - I didn't eat half the bun on my pulled pork sandwich and dumped pepper all over the remainder of my fries.
Let's call it a win.
Another problem in my life?
I blame this on Jill (she bought the mega bag!!!).
Also, Sarah Dev: you're welcome for the 2nd pic of my stripper calculator.
I really don't know what my issue is. I have been unmotivated for a week now.
I haven't worked out in a week. I've been eating like shit for a week.
And you know what?
I have had awful tummy issues, lacked energy, been pretty moody and even overslept today...
Wet hair does care.
I need to get off this gravy train (mmm, gravy) and back in the saddle!
Speaking of saddles...
Check out Rosalie this morning with her awesome babysitter (and friend), Jaime, who is a doll and brought me a latte today!
I really don't know how she is SO cute.
Oh wait, it's because of me (bahaha).
Remember how I told y'all I was getting some Primrose Oil?
Well because the entire world of 18 year olds moved to Eugene yesterday for college, both Walmart & Target had me dodging Californians for my life.
Needless to say, I gave up right quick and grabbed some St. Johns Wort to "enhance my mood".
3x a day, preferably with a meal (you don't have to tell me twice).
(3rd pic of stripper calc. Dang it, Samantha)
I'll let you know how that one works out.
In other news. I am starting a project tonight!
It will be a surprise, but I am excited to do something "creative".
I'll stay up all night, bang on some bongos and smoke rolled tobacco cigarettes while sipping herbal tea. Hell, I may even pick up a beret! WATCH OUT WORLD.
Aaaaaand last, but most definitely not least........
My friend Sarah is coming to visit in the morning!!!
We have big plans, including our gurl Chard, "trolling for men", a gallery wall, 5+ trips to The Boy, and me yelling at the Duck game while she sits on the couch.
Should be a great time!
If anyone is looking to eat and/or flirt, holler at your girl(s).
Alright, I'm out like overalls (get it? a fashion trend that's "out"?).




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