Monday, September 9, 2013

Better late than never.

This weekend was a whirlwind, filled with ups and downs.
But let's just say it - the Ducks won, so nothing else really matters right?

Ok. Rewind.
First off, as I was "thumbs upping" a song on Pandora, Friday afternoon, I noticed an advertisement good ol' Pandy had up for grabs:

Still single?
Why, yes I am! Thanks for noticing, world wide web.
And then, because that was enough to make me laugh out loud, I saw this little diddy on the IG:
1. So true.
2. Made me miss Mal & Jen like cray.
I hit up the gym on my lunch but failed to take pretty, sweaty pics for you all with my tongue hanging out.
I did manage to photograph the lettuce wraps I made for Sarah for dinner:
I'm gonna go ahead and say they were more along the lines of lettuce tacos because I used Mexican spices.
And what Mexican dish is complete without couscous?
As Sarah walked into my apartment for dinner, I was receiving a text from her:
^^No words.
Other than you probably understand why she is my bff.
After we ate, Rosalie convinced us to take her to Target.
That kid I tell ya, such a shopping addict.
Then it was an early to bed/early to rise kinda thing so Ro & I hit the sack.
Her morning hair is worth mentioning:
Apparently the beehive is back in style.
We had big plans to watch the Ducks kick ass.
Ro & I headed to Sarah's parents house for the day...
Here are some pictures to prove I am not lying to you.

If you want to know the difference between the last 3 pics, let me tell you:
1. I am doing duck lips in the first one.
2. I am smiling normal in the second one.
3. Kyle is in the third.
Sarah was frustrated that Rosalie wasn't paying close enough attention to the game so she locked her in Arya's crib:
Tough times, ya know?
Arya on the other hand was very interested in the Ducks defeating Virginia:
How beautiful is this baby?
At one point, Rosalie had too much of her jail cell and football that she just decided to zonk out:
My sweaty little beez ball.
Once we got home, my friend Levi stopped by.
I fed him cleanse food & he did not seem that impressed (AKA he did not compliment my cooking).
We sat around & watched football while Rosalie put on a little show:
She used her crayon as a microphone.
#pinkiesup #keepinitclassy
Oh and I got this wonderful message from a friend:
I could not love this more.
I stayed up waaaay past my bedtime Saturday night (til MIDNIGHT, I know...calm down, Hisk).
My body still woke me up at like 6:30 - I managed to lay around for an hour before I got up to shower.
I woke Rosalie up around 8:45 so we could go to breakfast with the girls...she was not pleased, so I had to cuddle her for a while (it was horrible, I know).
My booger bear.
We ended up at the Glenwood for breakfast.
GET THIS: I had 2 vegetarian sausages and the fruit bowl (ok, and I maybe stole a piece of bacon from Rosalie).
After I dropped Niki & Sarah back off at the apartments, Ro and I went to visit Nana.
I miss S's mom like crazy so it was great to catch up with her. Rosalie loves being there so much, she hides when it is time to leave:
Where'd Rosalie go?
And then when I arrived back at my apartment, I turned around to find this:
Such a party animal.

Once Ro got up from her late nap, I fed her some food.
I ended up eating the majority of these bad boys:
These things are amazing.
They say to thaw them before you eat them, but I find that unnecessary.
Thanks Auntie Misa :)
Anyway, this has taken me far too long and I ran out of steam about 5 hours ago.
I have like 30,000 things sitting on my desk that I am neglecting, so I'm just gonna leave you with one more selfie (which I apparently take a lot of :))...

Oh yeah, my cleanse results are gonna be good.
Stay tuned.
Party on, Wayne.



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