Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fern Gully & California (knows how to party)

Gooooood morning. 
I started out the day with an "extra sour dough" English muffin, 1/4 cup mozz cheese (broiled it) and added two egg whites and two pieces of bacon to create THE MOST DELISH BREAKFAST SANDWHICH TO EVER EXHIST. 
I meant to take a picture, but I inhaled it before that could happen. 

Rosalie is experiencing Fern Gully for the first time today. 
She's super amped. 

I have two tests tomorrow that I need to study for today. 
I expect to do well on both. 
Yesterday I had my first Psychology test and I didn't feel good about it. 
So when I got home I went for a run. 
I hadn't ran in two(?) weeks. 
This jaunt was slooooowwwww but great. 
I may be listening to ONLY JT right now. Nbd. 

I'm back on My Fitness Pal to get my ass in check. 
I could blame the Holidays, losing my job, or starting school for my falling off the wagon - but I really can only blame myself. 

I'm headed to Cali over the weekend and I could not be more excited. 

My cuz is the best. 
We've had a really special bond since day 1 and I missss him all the time!
I'm coming for ya Nolan!

Happy worst day of the week :)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

You've Got Mail

Okay, okay! Here I am, you demanding little whiners. 
Kidding (kinda)...

Things happening in my life:

1. Lee-Built has decided to fight my unemployment. So I'm going to make like the Godfather & take them to the mattresses (I only know that reference because of You've Got Mail (thanks Meg Ryan)). 

2. I shipped my best friend off to Seattle this morning. Boooooooo. Niki - I cannot wait to see what you do up there in Husky territory. I have complete and total faith you're going to rock this job. I love you more than words and hate that we live 6 hours a part. #bfffolife

3. Here's the doozy............

Shawn and I working on things. Therapy is involved. I'm not going to spout off too much, but I will say: I am happy, I am surprised, and this is good for me and my family. 

4. Justin Timberlake. 

Welllllllll, let's see. I guess I'll scavenge up some pics from the ol' photo album because y'all are a bunch of stalkers. 

RoBo is a MODEL. 

She even pulls off smeyezing. 

GAWD. Right?

I cleaned up okay for.......


Jen & I at JT. 

KenzBenz and I after JT. 

Kenzie's room mate had beautiful art. 

Then Jen and I drove south in matching outfits (nbd). 

Annnnnd that's it. I'm tired. 
I'm gaining weight by the second. 


Friday, January 10, 2014

Elk hunting

Late night blogging?
Why not?
Michelle's awake at 11 'o' clock at night? WTF IS GOING ON!?
Not a lot. Reeeeallly what's going on is I borrowed Niki's laptop and she doesn't get off until 11- so I am waiting her out. 
It's a lot like, what I imagine, waiting for an elk while hunting is like. 
......maybe I shouldn't blog 3 hours past my bed time.....

So! What's the haps!?
I'm cleansing (still). And have only cheated like 7 times. 
I blame Dana. She got me a Dutch Bros. gift card for my birthday and coffee is enticing (I order it with coconut milk). 
I'm also still doing the "no sweets" thing this month. 
Which Dana also sabotaged with her chocolate mousse....
I see a theme here. 

I'm not going to weigh myself because I don't really give a shit. 
Hahaha, I do and I don't.
But when you step on the scale and see one number and then an hour later see a 4-6 pound difference, you just give up. 
And my scale is NEW folks. 
So I'm basing my success this time off how I feel - and isn't that what it's all about anyway?

Niki just got here. 
Enjoy this pic in my absence:
Goodnight folks!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Big things have happened since I last posted. 

1. I started the Advocare 10 Day Cleanse because I officially got to 162 pounds after losing my job and the holidays.
And 2. I started school! 

The cleanse has been going better than I thought it would. 
It's hard to cut a sugar/carb/alcohol/sitting on the couch addiction, but by-gum I'm doing it! 

School is awesome. Ok ok, I've only had one day of class, but wow - going to school at 26 versus 18 is night and day. 
I sit in the front row (deal with it Dev), I take good notes, pay attention to the professor and to top it off - I'M GOING TO GO TO CLASS. 

2014 is going to be a good year. 
I just know it. 
(because this happened.........)

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Happy New Year everyone!
Who's already loving 2014?? I started out the year house hunting with my bestie. 
We got some Jamba to make life better. 
We were on a liquid diet for about 5 hours yesterday. 
Mainly because we SPLURGED on NYE. 
This was probably the best meal of my life. 
And then I shoved this down my pie hole. 
Mmmm, pie.....

After dinner, I washed my face, put on my jammers and watched Parenthood for like 6 hours. 
Party, party, party. 
I did not make it to midnight. 
I know how lame that is. 

Aaaaanyway, I ran yesterday. 
Ringing in the New Year with a 2.5 mile jaunt. 
It was cooooold. 
But it felt really good! 

So. Here is my New Year's Resolution:
Sarah and I are doing this together. 
I want to do the whole year though...things I'm adding:
July - No eating out 
August - 
......yeah. I ran out of ideas. 
Any suggestions???

Anyway, I hope everyone is on board with making 2014 their bitch. 