Saturday, December 28, 2013


Twenty six. 
I mean, really? It's been a year since I turned 25?

It's just a downward slide to 30. 

I'm having a very chill day. 
Niki and I just popped in The Fellowship of the Ring. 
Because we forgot what happened now that we have oldtimers. 
So I thought I'd throw some photos your way, because I know you'll like it. 

Rosalie and I are best friends. 

We made salt dough hand ornaments for Christmas presents for everyone. 

We went and saw Santa. 

Ro wasn't a fan...

Like. At all. 

Then we drove to Canby for X-mas and got to dogsit Bear. 
Who we may or may not have lost for about an hour one day. 

Ro made this. 
I made a pumpkin cheesecake that I forgot to add sugar to.
And my mom made a fire. In the oven. 
She wins. 

RoBo fell asleep with Gramma a lot. 

Bear napped too. 

And then we opened PRESENTS. 

RoBo got a hat. 

I got a Garmin!

I even ran. Just to try it out. 

And then on the 26th we had brunch at Rachel's before we went wedding dress shopping. 

Some (all) of us drank. 

And took advantage of Rachel's day to take selfies. 

We found some competitors...but not "the one". 

And then it was today. 
And Rosalie looked like this, this morning. 

But most importantly, in the midst of it all, I discovered a hidden talent for sculpture. 

Bring it on 26. 
I'm going to rock you. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Celebrate Good Times

I'm being harassed to blog (I'm talking to you Aryn Fields), so I thought I'd jot down some musings for all y'all. 

First...I cracked the screen on my iPhone. 
Like I told my mom, add it to the list of things I don't like in 2013. 

Second, my friend Sarah came down for the weekend to celebrate finishing her first term of Nursing school! 
So proud of her. 
We celebrated pretty hard. We watched Monsters University. 

Made a Christmas tree out of lights. 
Tree cred goes to Ms. Devah herself. 

We went shopping for craft stuff. 

We made home made pizza. 

We played with the craft stuff we bought...
Some of us opted out of wearing pants. 
We practiced our dexterity. 
And "finger painted"...

And we sat in creative spots. 

Overall we celebrated prettttttty hard. 
Not photographed: the world's best Parmesan chicken which Sarah made for dinner Friday night. 
And then I made it for dinner on Monday. 
And maybe (definitely) Tuesday. 

After Sarah left on Monday, I've basically been buckled in front of the tv watching Parenthood. 
Big stuff around here!!

Welllll folks. That's all I got. 
You're welcome Aryn. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I'm on Pinterest

What up party people?
It's been a week and a day since I lost my job...& for the most part, I was snowed in. 
But I have managed to get out and about these past couple of days and it's been nice. 

I'm working really hard to not over eat & to continue working out. 
Let me tell you - it has not been easy, but I have faith in myself. 
I think Rosalie has a lot of faith in me too...

She likes smooshing her face on mine. 

What a weirdo. 

I was trolling through Pinterest and found a pic of myself. 
I know, so famous!!! Please see below. 

Ok. It's not me. But it's the SPITTING IMAGE OF ME...

Rosalie and I decorated for Christmas last night...

She really likes the ornaments. 
Especially the ones that are covered in glitter. You can all imagine how that's been going. 

I hung out with Shawn's niece and nephew this morning AKA the best peeps in the world:
Gangstas fo life. 

Well that pretty much sums up my life. 
My friend is in town and is coming by soon to catch up, so I better make my house presentable. 
Oh - and this happened:
Happy Hollerdayz from E. Millz. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Losing my job. And a photo dump.

Well. Enough hiding out. 
As most of you saw on Facebook, I lost my job last Wednesday. 
It was sudden and unexpected - and I obviously was unprepared. 
Who does that 20 days before Christmas??
I took a day to feel really sorry for myself & then I said to myself, "Self! Get it together."

So, I applied for Fafsa and enrolled at Lane Community College. 
I am going to be a full time student and start taking pre-reqs for Nursing. 
It's intimidating as hell, but if I learned anything in 2013 it is that I can do anything I set my mind to!

Now. Let me upload a million pics for everyone. 
I know you've all missed them the last 5 days :)

The day after I lost my job, I realized how fortunate I was to have more time with my Booger-Bear. 

And good thing, because it dumped BUCKETS. 
No way was I going anywhere. 

RoBo & I. 

She would not let me put her down...

^^^This is what happened when I did. 

So we watched the snow from the window. 

Later on, Sarah and I ventured to 7/11. It was CRAY. 


Sarah sent me a little something to perk me up. 
It worked. 

Ro went to Shawn's for the weekend, so I splurged on some $1 stockings. 
She loves them!!!

Get this soap. 
I may have broken the pump, so I have to wrangle it every time I wash my hands, but it smells amazing. 

I used pasta to cheer me right up. 
Worked like a charm. 

And then Ro got home and all was right again. Until we woke up and saw this:


So. That's all I got. 
Verrrry random, sorry. 
Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement. I appreciate them greatly.