Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Top 15 Favorite People (for now)

A list of my favorite people!
(Disclaimer: I HAVE A TON OF FAVES. Old faves, new faves, forgotten faves, hated faves, & I only have 10 don't be offended if you didn't make my list, I probably just got tired of typing - you know how true that is because I am lazy.)
Also, I thought it would be fun to put some names with faces!

First up:
My parents. That's my faja, Tom & my madre, Susan.
They are possibly the best parents in the world.
If you hadn't guessed already, I am an only child.
And I think my parents did a great job with that. They gave me everything I could ever want without letting me turn into a ginormous B-I-T-C-H (...I guess that's debatable).
Not only are they wonderful parents, they're amazing grandparents.

The one. The only. Miss Sarah Maria (or should I say, Mrs. Sarah Barrett?)!
This is my BFFFFFFF. My soul sista. The closest thing I will ever get to a sibling.
We have been disfortunate enough to have known each other since diapers & we've never looked back.
Sarah is the most generous hard ass on the planet & I love her crazy like whoa.
Nicker-Nackers AKA Niki.
Niki is my bestest friend. I don't know what I'd do without her.
Here's the thing about Nik - she will tell you how it is (whether you like it or not), but she's not just gonna leave you there stewing - she'll come up with a plan and hold your hand the whole way.
There is no one I'd rather (bitterly) walk through life with.
From wine to whine, she has my back.

Rachel. My shoulder to cry on & the person that will build me back up (from the pile of shit I usually turn into).
Rach is probably my #1 fan, my biggest advocate, & the person who will defend me 'til the end of time - it's very much one of those situations where Rachel can say whatever the hell she wants about me, but you better not say a damn thing because
Also - this is the second time I have used this pic in my blog because it is HILARIOUS.

This is Lame. Gollum. Ame. AMY (whatever).
We have been friends since first grade, but nothing like we are now. Our common interests of food & bedtime have bonded us for life.
I think out of all my friends (sorry guys), Amy is the one I admire the most.
We are polar opposites, but she keeps me grounded...she is one of the most supportive people on the planet & I would probably be somewhere in the clouds without her friendship.

Levi (you're welcome for the great pic). You know when you go through shit & you find out who your true friends are? Levi is my true friend.
He is the guy that will talk you off a ledge. He's my faux-therapist, one of my best friends, & *without exaggeration* one of the kindest men on the planet.

Ah, Mallory. She's the passionate one, the artist one, the amazing writer, the smarty pants, the goal getter, the lover of light & beauty, the one who can tell you about almost anything...people meet Mallory & are blown.away.
But to me? Mallory is the girl who gets her head stuck in stools or the one who will make YouTube videos with me singing "Thizz Christmas". If I'm going to hang out with Mallory, I'm pretty much signing the dotted line to have the best time ever.
We have a depth to our friendship, sure...but no one brings out the goofy in me the way Mal does.

Bethany May.
You guys don't get to hear a lot about this girl because she ditched out for Colorado (boooooo).
You know when you meet someone and you are instantly best friends, because you're meant to be & you may as well just skip all the in-between bullshit of "getting to know each other"?
That's Beth and I. We met Freshman year of High School and never looked back.
Bethany is a dweeb & a half. A great pastry chef. Dedicated to her family & friends. And will always go to T-Bell with you for the GIANT sized soda.
I miss you girl.

Jill (on the left) & Jen (on the right).
My work girls turned great friends.
They put up with me all day, errrrrday. 40 hours a week, plus some (because we hang out outside of work too).
Since they're both old (muahaha), they have gone through a lot & bestow their wisdom on me.
I super heart them.

Shoppy. Shop-ko. E-Millz. Slick Rick. Ken.
You name it, he's been called it.
No list of my favorite people would be complete without this bastard. LOVE HIM.
We were roomies for a couple years/we hung out everyday from ages 19-23. Although no one can irritate me quite like Erik, he is my brother. And I kind of like him.
Sarah Devor AKA Dev.
We reconnected a few months a time I really needed someone to just understand. And I haven't been able to get rid of her since!
She is (hands down) the FUNNIEST person I know. But also extremely insightful, intelligent, & generous. I am so glad that she found her way back into my little, black heart.

Marisa! Not only is she a fantastic friend - she is a WONDERFUL babysitter.
I love knowing my child is in capable hands. Marisa is probably the hardest working person I know (what's that like?).
She takes on new challenges everyday & I love to watch her succeed.
Plus, she is our resident Mexican and those jokes are funny.

My aunt Janice & cousin Nolan (pictured with his daughter).
You family is amazeballs. And I'm not just saying that because they're blood.
They are as real as it gets & I do not get to spend enough time with them. They are my rocks & the unconditional love they show me is unmatched.

Mr. West, Mr. Fresh.
Ladies & gents: Jacob West.
My resident New Zealand friend who makes me laugh so hard that I cry (or fart).
Give us a bottle of wine, a covered patio, & a promise of pizza and we are all set.
I miss him a lot...

Last but not least is my very favorite person.
The person that I wake up for in the morning.
The person that I go to work for everyday.
The person who gave me ridiculous heartburn, nausea, & ripped me from A-Z when she was born.
The person who makes me laugh louder, cry harder, & love more ERRRRday.
My daughter, Rosalie Faye.

And there you have it.
I only give two shits about 15 people (actually I think it's 17 since there are 2 in #1 & #9).
I believe people shape people - and we surround ourselves with people we wouldn't mind molding/being molded by.
I have SO SO SO many more people I love with my whole heart, but like I said in the beginning - I'll probably tucker out before I get them all on here.
So...there is some insight into my world & the people who make it go round.


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