Monday, October 21, 2013

3 burritos & some big news

My boss is on vacation for 10 days. Leaving me to *ATTEMPT* to do her job half as well.
I'm already exhausted & only on day 4.
My head is going to explode & if I break out into ONE MORE STRESS RASH, I will no longer have friends.

SO. Moving on. I'm going to try & whip out this little blog for ya'll because that is how dedicated I am to my craft.
You are all very, very lucky.

First up -
I made a huge "to do" about retrieving this bad boy from Sarah on Friday afternoon.
On my lunch hour, I drove ALL THE WAY to Springfield to pick it up so I could make prints while in Canby and I thought I was leaving at 4 on Friday but nooooo, Bob made me take him to his car in the shop so I left work at 5 and I was so annoyed because I rarely leave early but everyone and their mother leaves early and then I wasted all that gas to drive out to Springfield and I didn't even make FREAKING COPIES.
That was supposed to be a stream of consciousness type thing.
You're welcome for the angry, run-on rant.

Luckily, I'm back on the sauce pretty hard.
This 44oz. soda perked me RIGHT UP.
And made me pee like a bazillion times.

While working hard watching Vampire Diaries, Erik text me regarding my embarrassing story I posted Friday.
You know the one...guy asks me how I am (he was talking to the hottie behind me).
Sorry for the foul language (not) (#itsmymouthicansaywhatiwantto).
This was HILARIOUS to me. Erik - you're welcome for the shout out - now you can really ride my coat tails to fame.
Once I left work (AT FIVE O' CLOCK), I picked up my beez ball for the road trip of the century.
Kidding, it was a very uneventful trip. Rosalie really needs to learn the license plate game.
We got to my parents house & Rose booked it for the Autumn décor.
She has a pretty big thing for pumpkins.
Who can blame her?
She also really likes those cling-things that you put on the window...

Saturday morning, we were all geared up and ready to rumble.
Rosalie had some toast...

Then we attempted some selfies...............
Rosalie was not interested.
It's like I photograph her too much? No.....

We finally got our butts in gear & traveled North to PDX.
Can I just say how insanely stressful it is to drive up there?
I nearly killed us like 4x. I'm not kidding. I hate that freaking city (all you little hipsters can bite me).
Once we got there (in one piece, miraculously) we spent the day with Dev.
Ro & I snuggled on her couch.
Rosalie & Sarah drew pictures.
We also drove roughly 30 minutes for the hottest burrito you can get.
Then Dev had me treck through the slums of Portland (NW 23rd) to hit up World Market & Trader Joe's.
I had blisters on my feet & A LOT of boob sweat (you're welcome). I was not happy.
Thank God World Market had an offering table/snack bar/fattie station:
We probably stood around this table for a solid 13 minutes.
There was something called pumpkin bark. Worst decision of my life? NOT BUYING THE PUMPKIN BARK.

After we inhaled all the freebies we could get away with we headed South to Canby for the night.
Ro & Dev did the bonding:
My mom had a pot roast in the crockpot all day. OHMYGERRRRRRRRRD.
I think I ate an entire side of cow, but it was so good.
After I gained 7.6 pounds at the dinner table it was Duck game time. Winner, winner chicken dinner.
Once the game was over, I was down for the count. Because I am 90. And because of this:
Sunday morning was spent lounging on the couch and playing fetch with Rosalie.
You read that right, FETCH not CATCH.
Girl has no game.
But Ro & Sarah had fun watching the video I took of them playing there's that:
We also maybe got burritos. Again...

Finally, around 2pm I got Rosalie down for a nap & then I hit the open road.
Always tough to say goodbye to my little goo-boo, but she's hanging with the g-units.
I know she is in good hands :)

Plus, there is always FaceTime...
OH! And this was neat...
A hot air balloon while I drove home!
Yes. I realize this picture sucks & is not worth your time, but it's my blog. SO DEAL.

Hmmmmmmm, what happened next?
I got home. Watched the BCS show with Sarah. Got outraged.
Calmed down.
Listened to this song by Jack White:
Missing Pieces
Made this for dinner...
(yes, that is another burrito)
Broke out in a stress rash...
(you thought I was kidding about the need for Xanax)
(I do know I am crazy. IT'S FINE.)
Got this text from a friend:
(cried a little)
Watched the Walking Dead with Levi:

Did some light reading & went to sleep:

I realize how awesome my life is.
But is SO SO SO weird to not have my little side kick with me.
She kind of makes my life make sense...

Now it's Monday & I've come full circle.



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