Monday, October 28, 2013


Ok, as per Rebecca's request, I am coming at you with my life in pictures.
Let's start with what I did the majority of this weekend:
Cried HYSTERICALLY about Vampire Diaries.
I wish I was making that up.
But my SnapChats would prove otherwise........
 (I actually bought a box of Kleenex, it was getting so bad.)

Oh. Also. This happened last week...(sorry for being so random).
Doesn't everybody use napkins as a bib at work to avoid spilling soup down their sweater?
No? Weird.
That same day, I took some really flattering pictures of myself.
Gosh. It doesn't get better than this.
Wanna know something funny?
One of my friends was telling me they found a message to their spouse from his friend.
It said: "Just read Michelle's blog with the application/requirements for men. Women are crazy."
Glad my blog has such a good vibe.
ANYWAY. Friday night got pretty cray.
Sarah & I stalked ESPN's Game Day crew and the Oregon football team.
In front of the Game Day set.
The BFF & I.
Sarah was SO concerned people weren't lining up for Game Day yet.
It was 7pm...the day before.
Although I believe we did SEE Kirk Herbstreit at the hotel over by Valley River Center, but we never got to meet him.
Sarah even tweeted him, suggesting we meet up. He never got back to us.
So odd.
After we located the football team, we headed home to rest up.
Which means I watched FIVE episodes of Vampire Diaries.
We woke up at 5:15 the next morning to hit up Starbucks before Game Day started.
Prettiest girls in all the land.
Hashtag no make up Hashtag it was fucking early.
I indulged in a Chonga bagel with cream cheese.
Holy. Crap. I gained 20 lbs. but it was worth it.
And then, I maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe slept through about an hour and a half of Game Day.
Sorry Sarah. Looks like I need some crack to stay awake that early.
After Mrs. Barrett left me, I built a fiyaaaaa (that's fire for those of you who aren't down with the lingo):
Sidenote: Don't leave your pumpkins that close to an open flame.
My parents got into town & my dad and I walked down to Autzen for the game.
We had a lovely time (I STILL have a sore throat from yelling so much).
Here is photographic evidence that I was in attendance:
My faja & I.

I curled my hair for the game. It fell flat on the walk there.
DEFINITELY worth my time and effort.
Also! If anyone has been in Autzen, they know that it is much like being in a sardine can.
I was sandwiched between my father and a young, attractive man.
He said not one word to me. I think I must be VERY attractive to the opposite sex.
(I know that seems self-deprecating, IT IS A JOKE.)
After the game, my dad & I went to my Uncle's house.
We hung for a bit, but then my ma & I took off for a girls only night.
It was a swell time!
And then. It was Sunday.
The day Aunt Flow was scheduled to visit.
So what did I do? Well, I ate ALL OF THE THINGS.
A sausage omelet covered in gravy with hash browns & sourdough toast, a chocolate milkshake from Carl's Junior, AND an entire box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.
In the drive thru.

Mac 'n' cheese. In my mouth.
I've clearly reached a low point in my weight loss journey.
Since Rosalie got pneumonia, I have been a laaaaazy lady. This past month has been rough stuff & I am up 10 pounds since ending my last Advocare cleanse.
Not good, peeps. Not good at all.
I mean, I haven't worked out in like 11 days. So I am back on the wagon, so help me God.
Here is proof: I left this morning and forgot my gym bag - so I flipped a bitch, went back to my apt. and retrieved it. TAKE THAT FORGETFUL MEMORY!
I am changing this attitude of mine.
Anyway, after I consumed a week's worth of calories, my girl finally got back from her dad's!
I was SO glad :)
After Walking Dead, I was in bed and fast asleep within seconds.
Pretty great weekend, if I do say so myself.
And now it is Monday. I'm in top form:
My morning selfie.

And although that may look like a hickey, it is actually a nice little burn I got from my straightener this morning!



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