Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Finale: I'm obese again.

Some thoughts I've had today:

1. Damn it's foggy. Perfect vampire weather. Maybe they are coming to Eugene? Stefen?

2. I spoke too soon about my bumhole yesterday. I am now paying the price for our chili potluck on Wednesday.

3. I'm pretty sore from working out yesterday. Maybe I could use that as an excuse to not work out today?

ANYWAY. Drumroll (please) for the FRIDAY FINALE!

I ate 5 sugar cookies last night.
Plus a burrito. And Rosalie's quesadilla.
I weighed in at 156.7 this morning.
I am on my period.
I worked out Friday, Saturday, Monday, Thursday and (hopefully) today.
I do not feel good about any of the above.
........BIG sigh.

Here are some things I do feel good about:

This pic Marisa sent me of Rosalie yesterday.
That this is what I came home to after work last night:
Those of you who know Rosalie's dad know that this is him, reincarnate.
I got me some twinkle lights & I am in l.o.v.e (Ashlee Simpson style) with them:
So. Although I am hightailing it back to Fattieville, USA, at least I have a cute-ass kid and Christmas lights up on October 4th.
Can't really beat that.
Here's my selfie of the day:
I love posing like this.
This weekend is going to be a good one.
Jill is coming over with her son (who shares Rosalie's birthday) to watch the game.
So is my friend Levi.
Sunday, Rosalie gets another stab at the horsies & then we are getting our pics taken by Brandy! 
It's going to be so America's Next Top Model. I'm already practicing "smeyesing" or is it "smizing"?
I don't know, I'll call Tyra and ask.
Happy Friday!



  1. 1) this title is very misleading 2) even if you were, (which you most definitely are NOT) fat is not the worst thing you could be 3) maybe instead of focusing/borderline obsessing about food, weight and if you don't make it to the gym 5x/wk you (and we as women/a society) should start focusing on loving your body for all that it does for you. You are the the shining light in your daughters life, and an amazing rock of a woman... Wouldn't you hate if she started to view and talk about her body (and essentially, self worth) in such a negative light. This shit starts early for girls... And sadly enough, we most often learn how to criticize from our mama's. I love you... But you aren't giving yourself a fair chance at loving you when when bash yourself... Or enough credit for how much you have done/are doing. HEALTHY and happy... Not guilty and dismissive.

  2. Aw :) Thanks Juliane. I know I get down on myself pretty hard - I have this great thing called SOCIETY messing with my head. You're right about Ro - I try really, really hard to not say anything in front of her. And for the most part, I do a pretty good job. I also don't feel like I talk that poorly about myself in real life...but on this blog, I rip myself a new one pretty good some days. Luckily, I have other women (LIKE YOU) who are awesome & point things out to me when I need them pointed out :)
