Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday really is the worst day of the week.

Hello faithful followers! Let's jump right in, shall we?

I have already cheated pretty drastically on #noweighmay. I weighed in on Saturday (my 6th? day of the cleanse) and saw: 156.5 :)

When I started my cleanse I was 162.
Needless to say, I was pretty damn thrilled. So to celebrate I drank an entire bottle of wine.

I have #cleansefailed so many times this round of cleansing. It's pathetic. I was SO committed last time! What has happened to me??? Even when I'm making healthy recipes, I'm still #cleansefailing because I'm adding reduced fat feta CHEESE. UGH.

Gluten Free pasta (made of quinoa & corn), red bell pepper, purple onion, broccoli, red. fat feta, & fat free Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing. Great little summer pasta salad!

My parents came into town over the weekend and I was a tad indulgent. But it was so fun & so worth it, that I forgive myself. I mean, I'm in the 150s now people (I confirmed this morning - again #noweighmayfail (is anyone else tired of me hash tagging?))! So even though it hasn't been an award winning cleanse, I have definitely cleaned up my eating & that was my main goal anyway.

On Sunday, we took a little fambam trip to Fred Meyer. I took this group shot for y'all to admire:

Such an attractive family.
And I'm clearly running out of things to talk about, because here are some more pictures (a picture's worth a 1000 words, so back off):

And here's a pic of Ro and I this morning, for your enjoyment (look how effing tan I look!).
This little diddy is me sweating my balls off at the gym. Sweat towels are saucy. I may or may not have sent this to Rachel via text so she could enjoy the view (we don't do that everyday...).
I guess I could talk about a couple of other things, while I'm at it...
1. I CANNOT WAIT TO CHOP MY HAIR OFF SATURDAY! No one wants me to do it, but it's like HEY!, I'm still pretty with short hair. Haterz.
2. I ran to Walmart on my lunch today. Like actually ran. And my compression pants I got from Old Navy were literally falling off me (#skinnygirlproblems <---THERE IT IS AGAIN!). So not only was I running with a reusable bag full of salad, veggies, & an apple, but I was holding up my pants AND carrying my iPhone - all the while my headphone cord was whapping me in the face. It was not a pretty sight. And not a great run. But I did it.
3. Idk why I'm just mentioning this: I have officially lost 40 lbs. since I joined the gym in September! Woop woop. Another 25ish to go and I'll be HAPPYYYYY.
4. I'm campaigning to have Shawn buy me a Nike FuelBand for Mother's Day. So if you see him - tell him. In white.
5. Again, I really like lists.
Alright, I'm out like a gay man.

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