Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My lovely lady lumps.

Since I'm all out of sorts (not feeling great, didn't go to the gym today, weighed myself after possibly some of the worst eating I have ever done), this blog will be about transformation.
Because Rachel told me so.
And it makes sense.
I need to pay credit where credit is due. AKA give myself props for being such a badass.

This is me & my dad, November 2011.
Right after I gave birth to Rosalie.
Here is me September 2012.
Thanksgiving 2012
This is me, December 2012.
I know, my friends are "cool".
Here's another one (Dec '12).
I thought I looked really good that night.
This is around January 2013
Februaryish 2013
Easter 2013
May 2, 2013
May 18, 2013
When I see it like this, I get it.
No. I'm not a size 2.
No. I'm not at my goal weight.
No. My BMI isn't where it should be.
No. My goal dress doesn't zip-up..
No. I don't have "abs" yet (the closest thing I have to a 6-pack is in the beer fridge).
When I see these two pics:
I have a clearer mind of who I am, where I've been, & how far I've come.
And just with this little blog, I'm seeing it.
And I'm PROUD.
My lovely lady lumps are less lump & bump and more tight & right.
So, always remember:
Thanks Rachel - for always opening my eyes when I need it the most.