Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Posting my sob story was a tiny bit intimidating.
And I'm sure I could have gone on and on with more examples of what they did and how it made me feel, but I wanted it short, sweet, & to the point.
I didn't post it for sympathy or empathy (I always get those mixed up - like donation & contribution. Yes, there is a difference). I posted it to get it out there - to get it off my chest.
Of course I've talked to friends and family about it over the years...some get it, some don't.
And that's ok.
I got a text from a friend that said "I want to apologize for pushing you to 'get over it'."

I don't feel like she's ever really pushed me to get over it...but I understood when she said:

"I just don't want those people to have power over you." 

I get that. 100%.
I look at my friends and family - the people I love most in the world and think I don't want your demons to have ANY kind of power of you. Drugs, alcohol, scales, moms, dads, friends, exes, food, brothers, sisters, BULLIES.
But then you wake up and realize that we're only human and we're effected (affected? THERE IT IS AGAIN! Damn you, English language!) by everything.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
So does it suck that I still shake when I write these stories down?
But has it made me a better person? Mom? Daughter? Friend? Girlfriend (fiancée - whatever, that word is SO fancy)? YES IT HAS.

The outpouring from my sob story post was incredible. My blog views, like, doubled (such a valley girl). I got texts, messages and comments and all sorts of likes on Facebook which always makes me feel very popular ;). But there was a common theme of LOVE and SUPPORT that really resonated with me. And I want to thank everyone who reached out to me with a kind word or took time to thumbs up my post (lazy asses - kidding).

I'll try & keep these serious posts to a minimum. They're so much more work than my regular blogs filled with pics of my cute kid, the food I eat, and my awesome wit.

And on that note, I'll just leave you with some sweet photos of my sick baby (who will still endure a photo shoot with momma like a damn champ):

Sleeping on momma

Being awesome with momma
Alright y'all. That'll do it! Look for a second post today - I'm feeling wordy. Stay tuned............

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