Thursday, May 30, 2013

Losing vs. Maintaining

Yo folks.

Lately I have been SLACK about my eating habits (and my drinking habits).
Thank Jesus Christo I fell in love with the gym & have no qualms with working out.
But since my 2nd Advocare Cleanse (where I got down to 156 - my official 40 lb. weight loss), I have been gaining and losing the same 4-6 eL BeeS.
This got me thinking - I am in "maintenance" mode...not "losing" mode.
Which is ridiculous, because let's face it: I'm 5' (maybe 5'1 on a good day) and 156 lbs. ain't gonna cut it, folks.
So after a weekend that included 2 nights of drinking and 2 trips to fast food restaurants, I braved the scale Sunday morning and saw: 162.

Talk about a reality check.
It's amazing how a couple days of eating whatever I want can put me back up 6 lbs!
And let's be real - it wouldn't take much to slip right back into this:

Ain't nobody wanna see that.
So, I got my ass back into "losing mode".
I realize that my weight on Sunday was probably a reflection of alcohol & sodium bloat (and I needed to take a poo), but it freaked me out!
I have been eating clean and working out everyday and I am happy to report the scale read 157 this morning.
Thank the lord.
There's always an excuse for eating like crap and not working out.
Believe me, my life has been a roller coaster the past couple of weeks and I've used every excuse under the sun.
But there comes a point when you realize that binge eating and sitting on the couch all day is not going to make anything any better any time soon (ANY ANY ANY).
So move more, eat less.
It's really as simple as that.
Oh: and of course, JUST KEEP GOING. <---PREACH is me lazing around with my goo-boo this weekend:
Aren't we pretty?
Great angles.
Here's me yesterday, with my ass in gear:

I think people love that I take pics of myself at the gym.
Like I said: the past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster ride.
Family, work, name it.
It's been tough...
Last night I needed a treat.
I had 116 calories left to do what I wanted with.
Of course, I asked the question on FB: sweet potato fries or a beer?
My fave response?
" fat."
Rosalie was in true form last night. Chillin' out relaxin', maxin' all cool:

Somebody is obsessed with momma's Snuggie.
Or as she calls it: Suggies
By the end of the night, I had reached my limit and looked like this:
And it looks like we need more soap in that bathroom.
I think when things get rough and life doesn't work out the way you think it will, you revert back into your most comfortable coping mechanism.
Mine is eating.
And then, there is regret.
So even though life hasn't been easy as pie the last few weeks, I need to take a different route...
Stick to eating clean and taking it out on the gym.
So......hold me to it, peeps...because we all need a little support some times!
One more day ;)


  1. Ummmm... I've been reading "stepped on the scale" quite a bit for what was supposed to me #noweighmay. #CALLEDOUT
