Monday, July 22, 2013

You Can't Always Get What You Want

But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.

If you didn't know this about me (then we've probably never spoken in real life), I am the worlds biggest Rolling Stones fan. Minus my dad's two best friends.

Anyway, this song is playing as I type & it speaks the TRUTH.
Maybe you don't want things to happen the way they happen.
But in all honesty, you probably need them to.

Ok. Let's rewind, shall we?
I left you on Wednesday and embarked on my 1.5 mile run:

I know! Slow down there, Hiskey!
I ended up doing a little over 2 miles:
Hey now, I never said I was D'Anthony Thomas.
I just DO IT.
Anyway, the track at Churchill was closed so Jen and I found an alternate route.
Let's just say, I'm pretty sure drug dealers were lurking around every bush. Why?
Yeah. That's a freaking needle. AH!
Once I got home, I chilled with Rach for a little bit & then got to go pick up Rosalie.
I swear, she ages about 6 months every time I go a day or two without seeing her.
Wednesday night was pretty mellow.
Rach & I went to fat girl heaven AKA Papa Soul Food.
You know, their beef brisket was just OK, but I got down on their mac 'n' cheese.
After we got home, Niki & Mal bopped by.
Rosalie wowed everyone with her cuteness & then off to bed she went.
Thursday morning we met Marisa at Studio 41 (18? 22? I don't remember the number) for breakfast.
I got blueberry pancakes and was not impressed.
Rosalie was in high spirits though:
What. A. Doll.
On our drive home from breakfast we were stopped at a red light right next to my friend, Courtney.
We followed her back to her house to see her girlfriend, Pettie & their fabulous new home.
Then they offered to help me move on Friday.
And we could not have done it without them.
I headed home to meet my mom, so we could go couch shopping:
This beaut will be delivered in 4-6 weeks.
After spending the day with Rosalie and my mom, we stopped at Don Juan's for my fave: CHICKEN CARNITAS.
Oh my gerrrd, you guys, I could drink that sauce with a dang straw. Yum.
AND! Rosalie ate a quesadilla!!!!! I have the pickiest eater ever, so if she eats anything other than popsicles and fruit, I'm pretty much on cloud nine.
She also ate a bunch of salsa.
She's obsessed with Mexican food, just like her momma.
Friday morning came too quick & I dropped Ro off with her dad.
Then my mom and I got to moving.
We moved every. single. thing. on Friday.
Plus cleaned my entire house so that it was decent for Shawn & Rosalie.
Oh. And for food on Friday?
Biscuits & gravy, 5 buck lunch (cheeseburger, fries, Diet Pepsi, and a hot fudge sundae) from DQ, harvest chicken salad from Quiznos, & 2 7 margaritas.
What a long day.
Here's what I looked like Saturday morning:
Saturday was no rest day.
We unpacked EVERYTHING. Every last box. Every last bag.
And we shopped for those stupid things you always seem to need when you move.
We ate a tiny bit better.
Eggs, turkey sausage, strawberries for breakfast, turkey sandwiches with Sun Chips & strawberries for lunch, and a ginormous pizza for dinner. Plus some more margaritas. And maybe some wine.
Sunday was less go! go! go!
Although my mom did make me homemade spaghetti sauce, we grocery shopped, & Sarah and I ran some errands.
Then Sarah's mom came over with Sarah's niece and we had a swimming date.
I could barely keep my eyes open & passed out for about an hour yesterday afternoon.
I don't even remember what we ate.
Except I do remember an impromptu trip to Ben & Jerry's last night. WHOOPS!
Finally Rosalie arrived around 7:45 and it was great to be together again.
And now. It is Monday.
I should have taken today off just to recover.
Here's this morning's selfie:
You can't tell but my body is covered in bruises and I still have sunglasses on from driving to work at 7:30. Because I forgot they were on my head.
SOOOOO...does anybody remember that 10K I'm training for?
I haven't done anything since Wednesday. So I've missed: cross training, 2.5m run, rest day, and 1.5m run.
I'm picking back up today with a 35 min. EZ run.
I'll probably keel right over. 
And I am doing it on the treadmill.
Freaking bite me.
OK! That was an amazing blog.
Please, no autographs.



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