Thursday, July 25, 2013


Let me just start with this: You know when you're doing really good with your eating (read: 1 day) and then you get stuck in an office meeting, skip the gym, & someone says "who wants pizza?!"?
Yeah. That's where I'm at. SO CLOSE to cleaning up these bad habits!

And I maybe had 3 pieces. Whoooooops.

SO! Let's get back to happier/healthier times.
On yesterday's 10K agenda - 2 miles:

My hips get really stiff after I run.
Rachel suggested the pigeon pose:
I'm obsessed.
When I got home I had time for a quick shower & a quick dinner (before Shawn dropped Rosalie off).
I cooked up some chicken breast in coconut oil with Trader Joe's Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette (delish), red bell pepper, and purple onion. I mixed it all in with spaghetti squash.
No joke, I felt like I was eating Pad Thai:
It may look like dog vomit, but it sure didn't taste like it!
(I think I'm funny. But I know I'm like a 4 year old boy.)
Once Rosalie came home, I gave her a bath and it was pretty much bedtime.
8:57pm is super late and we obviously needed 11 hours of sleep.
When I woke up (at 7am), I basically just brushed my teeth and then sat my butt down on the couch and took a selfie - DUCK LIPS & ALL!!
Now, remember I said I was in a meeting all morning/early afternoon hence my bingeing on pizza and sacrificing my cross training?
Let me EXPLAIN said meeting.
At first I thought this was a crock of shit, but after today's meeting, I kind of fell in line.
Our company is being analyzed & a lot of things were pretty on-point. I think we were all a little surprised.
As it turns out, my 5 top strengths are:
1. Communication: Good with speaking, WRITING, explaining, describing...etc.
2. Consistency: Fairness, balance, clarity & predictability. Not fond of change.
3. Empathy: Share perspective, people drawn to you...etc.
4. Harmony: Seek agreement/common ground, reduce conflict/friction...etc.
5. Woo: Winning others over, good at connecting, mingling...etc.
My favorite is obviously woo because I think it is hilarious. WOO!
But I really liked my strengths & I think during a time of extreme self-growth it's important to realize what you are good at.
SO! Thanks to my bosses for figuring it out for me :)
While I've been sitting on my lardo ass, I received the BEST PIC EVER of Rosalie from Auntie Marisa who took her out shopping:
I die.
Ok. Last but not least. Let's take a vote.
Who would you rather spend your evening with?
This evil lady?
Or these beautiful people?
Decisions, decisions..............



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