Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Guess who's back?

Did ya miss me?

So, like I said I went on an impromptu vacation. Stayed the week up in Canby and had some much needed fambam time.
I was a terrible friend and ignored most requests to hang out because I was focused on me, Rosalie, and my parents.

Basically I relaxed and hung out with my daughter.
Didn't work out once.
Ate pretty well...minus the cheeseburger, mudpie, and Blizzard.

I did get to cook on the Treager (AKA my dad's BFF):

Rosalie is hilarious.
So is the hound.
And the veggies & chicken were delish.
So was the alcoholic beverage.
I stopped weighing myself after a while, because it's just stupid.
I did however go to the doctor on Friday (because I'm cool and still have yet to find a doc in Eugene).
When I was there in January I weighed 192.
When I was there on Friday I weighed 154.
That's pretty fantastically awesomely cool.
My doc was so proud of me - and told me if I didn't lose another pound, she would be fine.
(I want to lose another 20-30 eL Bees)
Anyway, on my drive home I took some great selfies.
And was photobombed by the bb.
What can ya do?
We are purdy.
Anyway - I got back into Eugene on Friday and had a pretty low-key weekend.
I did go shopping with the bestie to pick out what I'm wearing to her wedding (A WEEK FROM FRIDAY!!!!):
I was super impressed with my shape in this pic.
I know, I know - conceited much? :)
Oh, and this is me being conceited again.
In reality, I was doing the Sarah pose.
You just can't see my eyes, I was "sm-eyes-ing" (thx T-Banks).
Monday, it was back to work and back to the gym:
I was shocked that I could actually run after taking so much time off.
And I was uber ready to kick ass at the gym yesterday, but was in meetings ALL DAY LONG (meaning no gym at lunch).
Oh and just to whine some more: I had 247 e-mails waiting on Monday. UGH.
Luckily I looked like a million hundred bucks, yesterday:
I know how happy it makes all of you to see copious amounts of pics.
Of me.
I've actually been trying to write this blog since Monday.
It is now Wednesday afternoon.
Rosalie had her 18 month check up today...a month late, because I am that great of a mom.
Here are some stats for y'all:
Height: 33.5 inches (87th percentile) (2 more feet until she's as tall as me)
Weight: 24.14 pounds (54th percentile) (time to do some more squatting with the beez)
Head Circ.: 19" (88th percentile) (takes after her dad)
Shots: 3
I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
It seems like just yesterday she was LITERALLY tearing me a new one.
I'm already thinking of birthday party themes...Shawn is pulling for Minnie Mouse. I say we go with SpongeBob.
At least we could have an underwater theme.
In November...I should rethink this.
Well folks I am off to never-never land.

^^PS I both started and ended this blog with Holla. DON'T STOP ME NOW!


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