Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Celebrate Good Times

I'm being harassed to blog (I'm talking to you Aryn Fields), so I thought I'd jot down some musings for all y'all. 

First...I cracked the screen on my iPhone. 
Like I told my mom, add it to the list of things I don't like in 2013. 

Second, my friend Sarah came down for the weekend to celebrate finishing her first term of Nursing school! 
So proud of her. 
We celebrated pretty hard. We watched Monsters University. 

Made a Christmas tree out of lights. 
Tree cred goes to Ms. Devah herself. 

We went shopping for craft stuff. 

We made home made pizza. 

We played with the craft stuff we bought...
Some of us opted out of wearing pants. 
We practiced our dexterity. 
And "finger painted"...

And we sat in creative spots. 

Overall we celebrated prettttttty hard. 
Not photographed: the world's best Parmesan chicken which Sarah made for dinner Friday night. 
And then I made it for dinner on Monday. 
And maybe (definitely) Tuesday. 

After Sarah left on Monday, I've basically been buckled in front of the tv watching Parenthood. 
Big stuff around here!!

Welllll folks. That's all I got. 
You're welcome Aryn. 

1 comment:

  1. Lol I love the o"pted out of wearing pants" and "sat in creative spots"! Lmao

    Rose is so big and beautiful!
