Thursday, August 22, 2013

My foodz in Hobbit lingo

First, just to brighten your day:
I know, cuteness overload.

Ok. Now to the good boring stuff. Since I got NO new followers on Instagram yesterday, I guess I'll just show you what I ate here on the good ol' blog.
God, I actually thought I was starting to get famous........

I showed you my breakfast (also known as breakfast to Hobbits) yesterday, but because I am obsessive compulsive, here it is again:
According to My Fitness Pal: 158 calories
Meal 2 or as the Hobbits call it, second breakfast:
Oatfit: 100 calories
Meal 3 or as the Hobbits call it, elevenses:
Sunflower seeds
According to My Fitness Pal, 1/8th of a cup: 105 calories
Meal 4 or as the Hobbits call it, luncheon:
(sorry about the bad pic, I actually took a video of my food for Instagram #cool)
Black beans, corn, non-fat plain Greek yogurt, reduced fat cheese, TJ's garlic salsa.
According to My Fitness Pal: 400 calories
+ Red Grapes: 104 calories
Total calories for lunch: 504
Meal 5 or as the Hobbits call it, afternoon tea:
Nectarine: 62 calories
Meal 6 or as the Hobbits call it, dinner:
Fresh green beans, one bite potatoes, bodacious corn.
I didn't eat the berries because they had froze in my fridge (awkward) & had a weird taste.
No protein, I know, but I was tired & lazy because Jillian kicked my ASS.
According to My Fitness Pal: 273 calories
Meal 7 or as the Hobbits call it, supper:
Half a S'mores DQ Blizzard...whooooops...
According to My Fitness Pal: 390 calories
Rosalie FORCED me.
TJ's Kettle Corn: 98 calories
That totals: 1690 calories
My goal: 1728 calories
(Maybe the HALF Blizzard wasn't the best choice, but it's been in the freezer for a few days & I'm going out of town this weekend. Someone had to do it.)

So what I'm getting at is everyone should base their eating habits on the Hobbits of the Shire.
They know what's up - small meals throughout the day based on produce & natural ingredients (don't count the Diet Coke or Blizzard).
And beer. And pipe weed.
You get it.

Oh and one last thing:
You see that small orange bag resting above my desk?
That's a bag of Reeses Pieces. I resisted those little shits ALL DAY.
OHHH! One MORE thing/last-last thing...
I switched my garbage can from my left side to my right side under my desk & it has made my life exponentially better.

you. are. welcome.

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