Thursday, August 1, 2013

Awkward Boobs

I have to just get this out of the way: Sarah Barrett.
There, you have been mentioned, readers - please proceed.

I left you yesterday whining about leg day and the impending soreness of my lower body.
As I type, my legs are fine, it's my bootay that's on FIREEEE.
I'll take it.

I started with a mile run:
I checked to make sure no one was behind me.
Don't fret.
Not my fastest - but I got her done like a toothless redneck.
I shifted over to the weight machines where I did 3 reps of 15 of the 4 different machines that I'm about show you. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE.
Hammy machine.
I hate this sucker and can only bear about 60 lbs.
Working on getting that gap in between my thighs.
100 lbs.
Shrinking those baby makin' hips.
100 lbs.
Squat machine (my fave).
THIS ASS IS ON FIIIIIIRE (Alicia Keyes...ha? ha? no? FINE.)
Yes, if you're wondering, I do feel like a turd taking these at the gym.
And yes, I do constantly look around to make sure no one is watching me.
And yes, maybe, I do pretend I'm just changing my music...not taking pics.
Get off my back! This is obvs great blogging material.
Speaking of taking countless pics of myself everything applicable to my blog, I have taken NUMEROUS photos of myself this morning for ya'll!
After yet another, restless night, I pounded down a cup of joe this AM.
And maybe a Spark when I got to work.
Is everyone else looking at how awkward my boob is?
I am.
I knew someone would pitch a fit without my daily bathroom mirror selfie.
And it's FREEZING in our office.
Doesn't everybody keep a leopard blanket at their desk?
Again. Weird boob.
When Jill got to work, she was carrying 2 of these bad boys and one was for me :)
I love my coworkers. Well...most of them.
So. There you have it.
Do I take too many pictures of myself?
Is it because I don't always have a lot to talk to you guys about?
That's total BS. I am just lazy and most of things I have to say are completely inappropriate. And obviously, I am super self absorbed.
The first step is admitting you have a problem :)

I hope you all have a fantabulous Thursday. One more day until FREEDOM. 


1 comment:

  1. Hey Michelle!

    I love your blog! I tagged you in the Liebster Award Nominations and would love for you to answer the questions!

    Please visit my blog to see my answers and the questions I hope you will answer!!! :)

