Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hell Hath No Fury...


So that was my night in a nutshell.
Ro passed out at 7:30pm!!! I didn't know what to do with myself.
So Niki came over and we cried about our effed up lives. GOOD TIMES.

Now, like usual, let's rewind (you'd think I would stop with this rewind crap & just start at the beginning, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo).
Yesterday morning, Marisa watched Rosalie and sent me this pic:
I mean, WTH - SHE IS SO CUTE!!!!!
I hit up the gym on my lunch & did 3 miles in 30 minutes.
It felt good to just run - I'm trying to do less cardio, but I have to get a little running in here and there. Good for the SOUL.
I'm also trying to eat protein no later than 30 minutes after working out. This actually helps you burn more calories & can prevent soreness/stiffness.
You don't have to tell me twice, you want me to eat - I'll eat.
Tried Trader Joe's Greek yogurt for the first time.
I just don't think TJ's can do wrong - it was delish! I threw some blueberries in there and mowed down.
After work I picked up Rosalie from Shawn & then went over to his sister's house for dinner.
Rosalie is obsessed with KK (Katelyn), her cousin. I missed them & was really glad to see their awesome, little fambam.
Ro was so excited to be there she started turning into a walrus...

I know, crappy joke.
It's probably the wine. I blame Niki.
MOVING ON...I weighed myself this morning and things are moving in the right direction!
I am going to continue with my strength training & clean eating and we'll get this gravy train back in gear. And by gravy, I mean something healthier that tastes like crap.
I packed up some food for myself to munch on all day...
Pineapple, blueberries, TJ's Greek yogurt, nectarine, lemon cucumber (go get one, they're fantastic) and grapes.
You don't get much cleaner than that.
Confession: I have been drinking on the job.
You guys are terrible.
Coffee! Diet Coke (not clean...whoops)! Water!
No alcohol here, assholes.
Anyway, tonight is Rosalie's night at her dad's soooo that means laundry & making Niki cook for me.
Should be a great evening...let's hope we don't end up all Kim K. again.
I'll leave you with my beautiful face. EAT IT UP.
Happy Worst Day of the Week.
Go nuts.




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