Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm on a boat! And a picture overload...

Ok, I'm just gonna put up a bunch of pictures starting last Thursday and then write witty little remarks underneath them.
Everyone ready?
Here we go!

Parenting 101: teaching Rosalie my ways.
She's picking at a pimply thing on my arm.
The family that pops together stays together.
Friday: maybe one of my fave work out songs.
Now this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside down...
That song makes me sweat like a dude.
9:00min/mile run followed by arm/core day.
Holla gym time holla.
Saturday morning I went out on a 2.5 mile run with my parents dog, Autzen.
We stopped twice - once so she could poop and the other so she could pee.
I was surprised I made it, the trail I ran is rather hilly and let's face it, I'm kind of a whiner when it comes to running outdoors.
When I got home, I shaved my legs 7 times so that I could be a hairless wonder on the boat.
Take it away, pictures:
It was a little chilly Saturday morning.
Obvs took a selfie wearing my winter gear.
Moments later I FELL out of my parents front door.
Luckily the weather cleared up.
Here is Rachel about to be a BAMF and wakeboard like a champ.
She's pretty, I know. But she's taken...so back off.
You know who else is pretty?
Brandon and I.
What's the equivalent of a farmer's tan for your legs?
No clue. But I spent time trying to bronze the top 5 inches of my thighs.
My mom asked what was in my water bottle.
You're welcome for those beastly arms.
But this is pretty much the only nice pic of Rach & I.
Things got real silly real quick.
Omg. I had so much fun tubing.
But I was so sore Sunday morning. I don't know why - I wasn't doing any work. But my entire upper body ached like a mofo.
We docked at a nudy beach (yes, you read that right) off the Columbia river.
That was interesting.
Rachel packed a lovely lunch that I failed to photograph (because I was stuffing my face).
Oh god. I think my final count was 5 cookies by the end of the night. 
On the trip home, I was a baby and had to put sweats, a sweatshirt, and socks on.
But it was literally my favorite part of the day.
Brandon and I laughed the whole way home!
Getting off the boat this happened.
I had to take a picture because this is the route my life is going.
Brandon & I spent the night at Rachel's. I think we ate steak around 10pm.
We also played a game called Wizard. NERD ALERT!
Sunday morning Rachel made us breakfast and we ate & ran.
I hung with my dad for a couple hours before I made my way south to be reunited with the best person in the world:
She kept pulling the ducky part of the towel over her face & quacking.
She cracks me up!
My mom got Rosalie this little T from the San Juan Islands (when she was zip lining, no less. My mom is a daredevil).
Rosalie swam in it, but I die at the cuteness.
It's a perfect sleep-T.
After bathtime, Ro shoveled some popcorn into her pie-hole.
Like mother, like daughter.
We went to bed around 10pm and I woke up at midnight and never fell back asleep.
I had a killer headache.
I know you all know that I haven't been sleeping well, but good Christ! I am so sick of not sleeping through the night.
I ended up staying home yesterday - napped with the BB and then later on took her to the pool to cool off. I am not a fan of this 90 degree crap. Bring on the high 70s!
My little lady bug!
Could she be ANY cuter in her swimwear???
WELP! On the schedule day?
Bitch lady boss - check!
Therapy appt. - check!
Gym after work - check!
Cooking dinner with my girlfriends - check!
Bingeing on the best thing ever (see below) - check!
Biggest mistake of my life - buying these bad boys.
And last but not least - my aunt sent this to me over the weekend.
I'm telling you, I have the best support system of all time:
Hope this bloggy blog didn't jump around too much & give you a migraine.
Peace out muthatruckas!




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