Friday, August 2, 2013

Liebster Award Nominations

Hellor my friends (not a typo, that's New Zealand for hello).
My friend Sarah told me about one of her coworkers blogs - Brandy from Basically Brandy. I spent the entire morning on Thursday going through her archives (I know, I know, my bosses would be SO proud).
She runs an adorable DIY blog, talks about make up, photography, & shopping, and has a smokin' hot hubby (sorry Brandy, I know we haven't met, but I can't lie).
Hop on over to her blog & check it out. And thank you for nominating me - it was very sweet of you!
Here are the rules:

1. Link the blogger who nominated you. I'll just do it again, because I'm OCD like that: Basically Brandy.
2. You must answer 10 questions given to you by your nominee.
3. You must choose 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award. Um. I don't think I know 10 bloggers...other than ones who are pretty well established. *Cough Mama Laughlin Cough*
4. You must come up with 10 questions you want your nominees to answer.
5. Once you do this, you must go to their blogs and let them know you nominated them.

I feel really bad, but I only really know of 2 smaller bloggers. But I would like to recognize the following for the Liebster Award:
1. One of my best friends, Rachel over at Figuring it Out
2. A new friend of mine, Jessie, who blogs at Rainy Days With Gypsy
Alright, now if you know me, you know I love a good questionnaire.
Here are my answers to Brandy's questions:

1. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog to document my Advocare 24 Day Challenge. Then I became addicted and it's kind of snowballed from there.

2. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My sense of humor. I think I'm freaking hilarious ;)

3. What is your favorite store to buy Home Decor?
Home Goods, Target, World Market. Stealing things from Sarah.

4. What is your favorite blush?
Bare Minerals. Couldn't tell ya the color, Mallory gifted it to me.

5. Who is your style icon?
The Olsen twins, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Keith Richards

6. Where is your favorite place to shop?
TJ Maxx/Home Goods, Trader Joes, Target

7. What's your go-to mascara?
Honestly, I change it up every time I buy a new one. But for Christmas almost every year, my mom gets me Mary Kay mascara which I love.

8. What's one piece of advice that you would give to your younger self?
To always pay attention to the red flags.

9. What's one of your must-have skincare products?
As of late, my Maybelline BB Crème.

10. What decade/era's fashion inspires you most? 
The 1960s...and now. I think fashion has become quite the art form. But like usual, I'm about 6 months behind the trends.
Ok. Here are my questions for you lovely ladies:
1. What is your favorite cardio exercise?
2. What type of music do you listen to? Fave song? Fave band?
3. Harry Potter, Twilight, or The Hunger Games?
4. What is your favorite fashion trend right now?
5. What's one piece of advice that you would give your younger self?
6. Do you wash your make up off before bed every night?
7. Would you rather have no fingers or no toes (think seriously about the repercussions here)?
8. Favorite chapstick/lip balm/lipstick?
9. Do you think Brad Pitt is a slime bucket?
10. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
And just because I need to leave everyone with something to brighten their day (NO NOT A MORNING SELFIE); my aunt posted this on Facebook and tagged me in it last night:

Enjoy your weekend friends <3



  1. Thanks for nominating me lady! That is so sweet of you! I'll get those questions answered ASAP!

  2. I would have to agree! You are hilarious! Question number 9 is my favorite! Thank you for answering my questions! :)


  3. Haha thanks Brandy :)

    And if anyone wants my opinion on Q #9: yes. He is. Team Aniston fo life!
