Friday, February 7, 2014

My trip to Cali and 170 (grimace).

I had the most amazing time in Cali. 
I don't think I can express how much I love my family. 
I wish (almost daily) that we lived closer. But let's face it - although they know how to party, Californians cannot handle this weather!
Kill me now. 
Didn't we do this already? Yesssss. 
In all honesty, my Cali family could handle this shit BECAUSE I WOULD KEEP THEM WARM WITH LOVE. 
Not convincing or sappy enough?
Then the alcohol may do it :)
My cuz and I, headed to my uncle's clubhouse. 
It was the ultimate mancave. 
I fit right in. 
My cousin, Nolan, taught me about 3D Beer Pong. 
No. I didn't play.
Because it would have killed me. 
I had In-N-Out for the first time. 
Hard pass.
B-Ville for the win (suck it Devah). 
Although we all rooted against the Sea Chickens, we saluted to the Ducks. 
A dolla makes me holla. 
And then we ended that shit by lighting a Seahawk shirt on FIYAAAA. 
It was all very Alicia Keys. 
And we also ate.
All day. Everyday. 
And drank. 
It. Was. The. Best. 

Anyone want to guess how much I weigh right now?
I am so beyond not okay with the ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY POUNDS I WEIGH. 
You read it right. 170 lbs. 
That's why I look like this...
Don't mind the beauty on the right. 
I hate that I let myself gain 20 pounds. I don't know where I went wrong. 
I feel tired. Ill. Gross. 

I refuse to let this be who I am. 
So I call on my friends and family to help.
Keep me accountable. 
I need you all!
Peace and love, commrades. 

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