Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hump Day

I just want to start with: when I put the word "boobs" or "MILF" in a blog title, my views sky rocket.
So if you start seeing super inappropriate titles up in hurr - it's probably unrelated to what I'm actually talking about, but has everything to do with wanting to multiply my blog views.
This is what my life has come to - Rosalie & the number of views I get daily.
#realityisabitch #singlelifeproblems

So. Let's get started.
Welcome to Wednesday. Hump Day. The middle of the week. The day after the worst day of the week. Two more days 'til Friday. HOWEVER YOU WANT TO LOOK AT IT.

I have to admit this to everyone: on Tuesday's I go to therapy. #noshame
After S and I broke up, I knew that I needed someone to talk to AKA someone to not judge how often I cry.
So yesterday while I was waiting for my appointment I went to the restroom. While washing my hands, I pumped the soap and it shot me in the gut (enter sexual joke here).
I pumped it again and since I obviously did nothing to solve whatever problem was going on with said soap, IT SHOT ME AGAIN.

In other news. I have been HANGING ON BY A THREAD when it comes to my weight-loss journey.
I'm working out and everything (my saving grace), but food is my mortal enemy.
Like this chocolate-chunk-frosted brownie.
It was delectable.
(My work clearly invested in fine china)
Or the 420 calories worth of Chex Mix that I just HAD TO HAVE.
I need to get this in check, folks.
My weight has been fluctuating between 152-156 & I really want to get DOWN & OUT of these 150s.
But if I keep eating like this, it's just a matter of time before I really start gaining. And let's face it. That's never pretty.
Not too mention Aunt Flow has been in FULL FORCE. Seriously, chocolate is like heroin and salt is like crack. SO GOOD. 
After work yesterday, I changed into my work out clothes before I even left the office.
This way I would have to work out otherwise I would just be that d-bag wearing athletic gear for no reason.
I ran on the treadmill at my "gym" in my apartment complex. It was awesome because the dreadmill has a fan in it and no one else was there so I could watch KUWTK without feeling like an asshole.

Did a quick 2 miles and then took a selfie (in what else? a bathroom).

While I ran, Niki slaved away to make chicken Pad Thai with peanut sauce for Sarah, Kyle and I.
It was SO good. Niki likes to makes "feasts" and I am more than willing to eat, so we get along pretty well.
Once we were finished with dinner, the 4 of us hit the pool to cool off. We did hand stands & somersaults and then Niki & Sarah dunked me.
I ended up with a bloody nose and felt like I was going to die (I have really good friends).
To make up for being mean to me, Sarah treated us to Ben & Jerry's.
I got a cone with 2 scoops because I am fat.

I, of course, dripped chocolate ice cream all over my white t-shirt.
So much grace.
Luckily Jill at work brought me this:
So I get another shot at eating free ice cream and not spilling it on me.
It's kinda nast outside this AM. What better day to wear yoga pants to work?
Alright folks, I think that'll do it.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Hump Day.

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