Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Budgets, French dips, & Vampyres.

So, does everybody else have their mother create them a budget because they have no grasp on how to handle money? No, just me? At 25 and a half? Ok cool.
Well, my mother has all the smarts that I don't - she knows how to budget, do tax-y stuff, invest things, save money, clean, cook, and keep a man (too soon?).
Needless to say when I found my self on the street single, my mom reached out to me to help evaluate my finances so I could live alone & be successful (AKA not end up in a ditch).
I hate to toot my own horn, but I have been kicking ass.
I am up to date with all my bills, have money in savings ($70 counts!), and have a little bit to spare every week for the necessities. And yesterday, the necessities included Vietnamese food:

Pot sticker soup.
They asked me if I wanted noodles.
Is that even a question?

Anyway - I bailed out of here the second the clock hit 5pm yesterday.
I jammed over to pick up Rosalie who was throwing a mini tantrum at Nana's. You would think this kid lived a terrible life, but we all know that simply ain't true.
I don't think I've ever seen people as in love as they are with Ro - and I mean my whole family, Shawn's whole family, and our friends. It's pretty incredible & I feel really fortunate.
Niki text me right before I got Ro & asked if she could treat me to dinner (um, yeah? Free food? Where's the dotted line?)...
First, Rosalie & I had to wait for Niki to put down her deposit on her new Pathfinder!
I didn't get to ride in it last night, but we have BIG plans to cruise tonight. Don't worry, Florida Georgia Line will be sung under my breath the entire ride. Get it? Get it?
We finally made it to dinner after Niki got asked out like 900 times - I didn't get asked out, I think it's just because nobody saw me (everybody nod in agreement).
We went to the Wild Duck and they had one of those things that kids sit on & they rock (or whatever), but this one was the Duck!
Ro wouldn't sit on it or let go of me (or open her eyes), but I HAD to get a pic because I was clearly overly-excited.
Anyway, Niki didn't even look at the menu; she knew exactly what she was going to order.
She was a little peeved that I had to photograph her food before she could shove it down her pie hole.
Something about a cream cheese, jalapeƱo burger.
Ro went a little cray & ordered the pizza.
She then shoveled the cheese into her mouth - it was very graceful & tactful.
If anybody has ever seen my table manners, they'd understand.
I got the French dip.
Ate my little heart out.
It was an epic meal. Thank you Niki!
Last night, as Rosalie and I were "winding" down, we were working on our vampire teeth:
I'm going for a hybrid rabid-bunny/vampYre <---the Y was intentional.
Anybody else a Buffy fan?
Rosalie got a hold of the "button" AKA camera on my phone. This is what it looks like when a toddler is in charge:
Don't worry, I posed for every one of them.
Tonight is Shawn's night with Rosalie.
Sooooo...if anybody needs me, I'll be trying not to dwell on my lonely life.
Anybody have a tranquilizer?
Ok, I'm out of words (funny things to say).



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