Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm a bad friend, an apology, and probably the worst day of my life.

Ok let's get this done quick, because I (still) feel like a bag of ass and need to lay my head back down on my desk.

Friday night, I gurled it up real good and painted my nails neon pink:
Be jealous of my skillz.
Then my bestie came by & FORCED ME to Old Navy & Target.
On the drive there I admitted something to her (that I was not planning on sharing with anybody - and I mean ANYBODY else, but this story is amazing so I'm doing it anyway)...I admitted I like the new Miley Cyrus song. I know, I know.
Anyway, Sarah said she hadn't heard it yet, so I told her to turn on the radio & it would probably be playing because Eugene overplays every song EVER.
Probably because I waggled some spirit fingers at the radio, but holy crap - coolest thing that has ever happened to me (not an exaggeration).
I tried on some clothes and was not thrilled...
I thought this was really cute on the rack, just not my rack.
Ba dum dum cha!
(but wait, it gets worse...)
Baaaaaaaaaaaack fat.
And an awesome face.
I actually liked this one & it was so soft.
But it's summer and I couldn't justify the long sleeves (yet).
I left Old Navy empty handed, but Sarah scored some jeans for $9! Talk about a bargain.
We headed to Target & had some solid fun.
I also learned something about my best friend that I never knew:
This is my wrist. She's afraid of wrists because of the "tiny bones".
You learn something new everyday!
Saturday morning I slept until 9:40! WHO DOES THAT??
Niki & I had plans to go Lone Pine Farm to get some goodies.

So pretty.
Our bounty.
People love that I make them take pics with me for my blog.
After Niki & I got back from the farm, I hopped on the treadmill for 3 miles.
It was not pretty, but I did it.
Then I made Nik come over and finish "The Dark Knight Rises" and eat lunch with me. Because I am incapable of being alone for 1.3 seconds.
We made roast beef sandwiches with romaine, provolone (not Niki, just me), lemon cucumber, red onion, & mayo in tortillas. BEST WRAP EVER. I mowed down like a super fatty.
Yes, those are dried apricots. Yes, I need to be regulated like a 90 year old.
Yes, they did do the job.
After Niki abandoned me for work (whatever), I cleaned every square inch of my house, showered and got ready for the night.
First I made Sarah loan me something cute to wear.
Adorbs shirt from Cabi.
Idk how I captured such a good pic of myself, these are rare folks.
I went over to Shawn's aunt's house for dinner/vino.
We sat outside most the night & chatted about life & laughed at everything Zach said.
Or did:
This guy cracks me up.
It's hard hanging out with Shawn's family because I feel like I'm meant to be in their family.
Not going to lie, I still wish that someday I will be.
But that's another blog. Or a giant desire that I should keep to myself.......
MEH! Who are we kidding? I'm an open book.
After Dana's, it was out with the girls.
It was my first time going out since my break up & I was a little nervous/apprehensive and I made up for that via alcohol. WORST DECISION EVER.
Everything started out fine, but as the night progressed, I became an idiot.
Niki came!

And Jessie!

Sarah was there!

And then, there's me.
Here's where the apology comes in:
Sarah was ready to leave & I wanted to stay. My friend's Mallory & Levi were there.
So I ended up staying, even though I probably shouldn't have.
I didn't end up getting home until 3:30 in the morning, after an epic Taco Bell trip with Mallory. We won't go into details but let's just say there were tears, missing Chalupas, & bit of a rush.
I was devastated that my Chalupa was missing as I tucked into my Crunchwrap Supreme & Cinnabon things...not the point.
The point: I was supposed to get up the next morning to go to breakfast with Sarah & her family. I knew (in my idiotic haze) that there was no way this was going to happen so I text Sarah & bailed.
Then the next day, I knew she was bummed I didn't make it and said so to a mutual friend, who agreed.
So I did what any self-respecting b*tch would do and text Sarah - it wasn't nice what I said, but I was basically trying to get her to talk to me.
She called me out & we haven't talked since.
I am truly sorry that I was such an asshole. I hope you can forgive me.
You're the best friend I've ever had and I love you.
When I woke up the next morning, I knew I was in for a hell of a ride.
Death becomes her.
I also awoke to this little diddy:
Even in my misery, I belly laughed at this.
Mallory had gone out to her car the next morning and (in her words) "your Chalupa was snuggled safely in the hoodie you used as a tissue last night...
HAHAHAHA. Still so hilarious.
I spent most of the day in my bed, snoozing & drooling.
Like a dog.
I did get this pic from S of Rosalie & his mom, which brightened my day:
Lol, I love them!
Shawn dropped Ro off around 8 & I couldn't have been happier to see her. I seriously hate being away from her. I feel like my heart is broken in 2. She is my light.
We went to bed fairly early (just the way I like it).
We got up & got our pretties on for the day:
You can't really see, but she made an apple tree necklace & a bracelet (she picked the beads out herself). Once we got out of the shower, those are the first things she wanted to put on.
We got a diva on our hands :)
So! That was my weekend in a nutshell.
Let's review shall we?
1. Shopping - still a pain in my ass.
2. Miley Cyrus is everywhere.
3. Be prepared to be photographed for my blog. #shapeuporshipout
4. I'm an asshole friend & I hope Sarah still loves me.
5. I am never drinking again.




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