Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blow your shit - credit to Niki Gorman & it does not pertain to this blog.

Well. Tuesday's are becoming something of tradition.
Basically Levi comes & hangs out with Niki & I and plays therapist for the night.
I think we're indebted to him about $100,000 by now. At least.
Anyway last night was no different except for we actually ventured out to 6th St. Grill for a "Burger & Brew".
We did do a little "cruising" in Niki's new vehicle, but not a long enough distance for me to really get into my singing. I didn't even get to Nelly's part. GET IT? GET IT?
I originally said I'd cook a vegetarian meal for everyone, but I bailed out of that quick like because I ate this at 3pm:

And maybe some of these bad boys...
In case anybody is wondering, yes that is a mixture of M'n'Ms & Reeses Pieces.
I know, I'm a genius.
So by 8pm, I was obviously famished & had to power through this guy:
Let's take a minute to discuss my burger.
First off, it had CHEDDAR & another kind of cheese (I forgot), grilled onions, bacon, lettuce, ketchup, and GUAC.
Then to complete it: a Bessie patty cooked to perfection.
Omg, you guys - this is probably in the top 3 burgers I have eaten in my life -  I honestly don't know what other 2 burgers make that ranking - I'm just pulling numbers out of my ass.
What I think sealed the deal of deliciousness was the guacamole. It added something extra & heightened the moistness/juiciness of the burger. I won't even get started on the bun, because I think I would use the words "soft as a baby's bottom" & "bouncy like Beyoncé" to describe it.
Oh yeah - those are sweet potato fries. I didn't even have to add salt. Enough said.
This is Levi & I before I knew what was coming (my burger).
I took a pic of Niki (actually 2) but she made me delete them. Booooo.
Don't worry, I managed to finagle my way into another free meal ;)
Words from the wise - get your heart broken, people will do ANYTHING for you. jk jk jk
Before I got off work yesterday, I was texting with Niki (no, we're not in a lesbian relationship). She was watching Rosalie and I get really bummed on Tuesdays because I don't see Ro until Wednesday night, so I make Niki send me cute pics.
Yesterday was no exception:
My goose.
Niki intentionally dressed her in rainbow striped pants & a rainbow polka dot shirt - to "make her look like a clown".
When I was whining via text message to Niki about not seeing Rosalie for so long, she said this:
"At least you know she's still having fun & not as miserable as you!"
Hahaha, still funny. And true :-/
Anyway, that about wraps up Tuesday.
Let's move on to today!
First & foremost, I was listening to the radio this morning on the drive to work and they were discussing how putting fluoride in Eugene's water may be added to the ballot so that residents can vote on whether they want to keep the water as is (no fluoride) or start adding fluoride.
Now, I know that the majority of my readers (all of you) do not care about this. Neither do I, really.
BUT! I was recently discussing with SOMEBODY (and god, for the life of me, I do not remember who - I've already asked everyone at work) that there was no fluoride in Eugene's water & that was why I have to give Rosalie a supplement every evening.
They DISAGREED with me & ARGUED with me about it.
Well - obviously, I was right.
So whoever I was debating this with - could you please fess up so I can throw my victory in your face?
In other news: I am turning into a lardo again.
Sneaking Reeses Pieces (I blame Jill) and maybe a few Pringles (I blame Ann) here & there.
So today, I will be photographing EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING I eat. I'll be posting it on Instagram (follow me: mhiskey) #accountability #shapeuporshipout.
I hope it opens my eyes to what I'm doing.
Here was my first meal:
Blueberries/Strawberries/Blackberries, Pomegranate Greek Yogurt, Diet Coke
Oh! I don't know why I haven't bitched about this yet...My freaking gym is closed from 8/19-8/23.
I meant to get up at 6am today & do the 30 Day Shred, but I snoozed my alarm until 7:00. CRAP.
So here is this morning's selfie. I know you all have been missing it:

Alright. That'll have to do.
Happy Hump Day!

P.S. Tomorrow is my Friday. Be jealous.


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