Thursday, February 28, 2013


So. I’m about to get REAL here, peeps.

I don’t know about any of you, but when I’m legit over weight, jeans are the last things I want to wear.

They dig in to me in the wrong places and are supes uncomfortable. I have to unbutton them after any food consumption.

Thank god the 80’s came back in full force and have allowed us fatties the pleasure of wearing leggings.

And looking “in trend”.

I literally wore leggings EVERY. DAMN. DAY. Yes, I think they’re cute. But god damn, I want to wear REAL pants too.
Not every day is Thanksgiving, folks.

Plus, if I don’t want to wear a thong, I’m S.O.L and have to rock panty lines.

Ain’t nobody wanna see that.

Now that I have lost 13.3 lbs. since starting Advocare and kicking my ass at the gym, I’m comfortably wearing PANTS.

Real pants!

With buttons & zippers and everything.

I’m even debating buying a belt.


In other news: I weighed myself this morning!



Another thing: I RAN FOR ¾ OF A MILE!

Hahaha, I know – Jillian is probably mocking me, but that is AMAZE-BALLS for me!

So super proud of where I’m at and where I’m going.

Lastly, Shawn and I are moving next weekend.

So strap on your moving clothes peeps – I’ll give you beer.

Later gators!

Monday, February 25, 2013

If you really knew me...

Well, folks - it's been a bit since I've blogged.
I'm sorry, I have a kid. And a job. And a FIANCE. I'm soooo busy (said with sarcasm).
But I weighed myself this morning: 168.5 lbs. Things are looking up! Or I guess I should say down...Womp womp.

ANYWAY. I stole this from Mama Laughlin's blog because I'm obsessed with her and wanted to emulate her....Hope you enjoy :)

If you really knew me...'d know I like the smell of skunk.'d know I have serious anxiety when it comes to duck football games.'d know I go in phases of getting ready & not getting ready aka looking like death warmed up.'d know I'm NOT a cat fan.'d know I can quote most lines from Lord of the Rings.'d know I talk in a very crude manner. I’m a good momma though!'d know I just wanted to be a whale trainer when I was growing up…

Spending time with my family is my most favorite thing EV.'d know I love my house to be spotless. This is a recent development.'d know I could stick my head in a watermelon & not come up for air.’d know I have 4 tattoos. None of which I regret. Yet.'d know I have a thing for tall, Spartan men.'d know how important health has become to me in the last few months.'d know I have never had a cavity (the streak lives on!).'d know I'd leave my fiancé for Viggo Mortensen or Christian Bale.'d know I literally cannot take my eyes off my engagement ring.'d know I am a sucker for Shawn & Rosalie’s beautiful, blue eyes.'d know I played soccer & softball as a kiddo.'d know I hate IDIOTS.'d know I am a high stress person.'d know I put my clothes out every night so it’s easier to get dressed in the morning.'d know I prefer brownies over any other dessert.'d know I take less time to shower than Shawn.'d know I love Jeopardy.'d know I'd make Mexican food for every meal if I could.'d know I don't always brush my hair.'d know if my car every broke down, I’d be stranded until I died of thirst or hunger.'d know I don't LIKE BELL REALTY.'d know I am a lover of music, art, food, family, & friends.

I doubt many of you care about that little doo-hickie, but I had some fun filling it in.

Other fun things:
I feel a certain amount of pressure to keep my nails pretty now that I have this rock on my finger. So at 10:30 last night, I decided to paint said nails. Always dumb. 10:30 is clearly past my bed time and you can't go to sleep with wet nails (PS apologies for my sausage fingers).
Only last little thing: I am now on My Fitness Pal (ok, I'm now BACK on MFP). Come follow me - greener3313. It's such a great way to track your calories!!
Oh and if anyone needs some help with how much they should be eating, I have this fun little equation for y'all (to lose 1 lb. a week):
1. 655 + (4.35 x weight in lbs.) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years) = Base
2. Take Base Number and multiply by 1.2
3. Minus 500 for 1 lb. a week weight loss
Easy peasy! Thanks Skinny Meg (another of my fave bloggers). My calorie goal is 1381.66. Just make sure to update it as you lose more weight, other wise your recommended caloric intake will be incorrect.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Results Are In!

When I started Advocare:


Weight: 181.3 lbs.
Right Arm: 12.5 inches
Shoulders: 47.5 inches
Waist: 38 inches
Hips: 44.5 inches
Right Thigh: 23.5 inches
Right Calf: 15.5 inches
Total: 227 inches

Weight: 170 lbs.
Right Arm: 13 inches (MUSCLES)
Shoulders: 42 inches
Chest: 42 3/4 inches
Waist: 36 inches
Hips: 43 inches
Right Thigh: 21 3/4 inches
Right Calf: 14.5 inches
Total: 209 inches

Weight lost: 11.3 lbs
Inches lost: 14 inches

THAT is pretty incredible :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day Twenty Three & Day Twenty Four (The Advocare Finale)

Hello, hello! I know - there were no blogs over the weekend. And it's because I was busy. After I got engaged, like any good fiance, I took off for the weekend to hangout with my gays and my girls. It was a blast. But I. Was. Terrified. I know what these things include: booze, food, little to no activity - and I used to be the queen of that. But things are different now - and aside from the alcohol consumption, I think I did a great job.

We left Friday afternoon around 3:30 and embarked on a 4 hour road trip. Luckily I made an awesome mixed c.d and got an apple to munch on. Once we got to Klamath Falls, the champagne started flowing. We had to toast my engagement, Brandon's new job, and the fact that the sky is blue. Then I switched to vodka. I've done my research, according to My Fitness Pal, a vodka soda with lime is around 57 calories. I had roughly 900. So I think I did ok :) In actual reality, I didn't drink enough to be sh*t faced, nor did I drink enough to give me a terrible headache. I drank the perfect amount for any self respecting dieter. However, Friday's dinner was pure fat/carbs and NO veggies. WHOOOOOOOPS. Luckily, Ann gave me a few of her Advocare carb pills. So that may have saved me (?).

BTW: DRUNKEN PLANKS ARE THE BEST THING EVER. I planked for 2 minutes (!).

Saturday morning we woke up and walked down (uphill) to a little bakery and a store. I had a few bites of a poppy seed muffin, but was terrified of the gluten so I stopped eating it. I also order a soy vanilla latte and THEY DIDN'T HAVE SUGAR-FREE VANILLA SYRUP. I couldn't handle it and ended up tossing about 3/4 of it. Waste of money. But the rest of the day was stunning and we sat outside for hours just GABBING (inside joke) about our lives. One life (inside joke).

After a respectable amount of time we started drinking again. We opened a pretend beauty salon, Sh'Gay (inside joke) and painted our nails, drank more champagne and more vodka. I was a little loopy by 8pm (could have been 10pm, no sense of time on this mini vaca) I stopped drinking and switched to water. It was the girls turn to cook dinner and since Rachel & I are extremely health conscious right now, it was a bit more healthy than the gay version (which was DELISH).

The boys ended up going to the bar and since the girls are lame we stayed home and cuddled up in front of Rachel's laptop watching the Beyonce documentary. Sunday morning we had a big (fattening) breakfast and headed back north. Twas a lovely, lovely time. Here are some of my fave moments:

-Everyone made fun of me for blogging and constantly questioned if I was going to blog about something.
-Do you know how much this is worth?
-Virgin Mary
-Do you really need Argon Oil like, right now?
-One Life
-You just touched my nose
-I like soft flowers. Rose are too hard with their spikes.
-I just love gabbing
^^^Mose of these things can be credited to the hilarious and beautiful Lance Heistler

So, let's get down to business. I know that the last few days of my Challenge I wasn't perfect. But ya know, I got engaged over Valentine's Day and then went on a trip with some of my best friends. Over all, the damage was minimal & I'm ok with that...


FOOD LOG of February 15, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, oatfit, veg sausage
Morning Snack: jerky, pears
Lunch: MNS, shake
Afternoon Snack: Apple
D: Chicken with Alfredo Sauce and GF pasta (UH OH - but I stayed away from the most delicious looking/smelling bread. And had an ok portion)
Alcohol Count: 1 champagne, 6? vodka sodas with lime...Hot diggity
Water: 184 oz
Pees: 95 (2 were outside, thxxx KFalls)
Poops: I don't remember this.
Planks: 2 min + the three 1:10 planks at work

FOOD LOG of February 16, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, 1/4 (barely) poppy seed muffin, 1/4 soy vanilla latte, blue gatorade
Morning Snack: 3 PORK sausages, 6 chips w/ guac, 3/4 apple, 1 little bite of a Cutie
Lunch: MNS, steak salad: garbanzo beans, spinach, red onion, bleu cheese, bacon. rasp. vinaigrette (on side), vodka soda w/ lime
D: 1/3 chicken breast, 2 tbsp. nonfat Greek yogurt, broccoli with butter, spinach salad with cukes, green bell pepper, romaine, & Greek yogurt vinaigrette, 3/4 C of Shawn's mom's famous potatoes
Alcohol Count: 2 champagne, 5 vodka sodas with lime and grapefruit juice
Water: 112 oz
Pees: 45
Poops: 0
No planks
Walked 2 miles. Treacherous.

SEE? There were sooooo many opportunities to eat so much worse than what I did. Like a cheeseburger at lunch with yummy fries or just sticking my face into the guac. It's all in moderation folks :) Not too mention when I used to drink it used to be a 12 pack of beer. Just pick the healthier option.

I have been off my Challenge since Saturday - which was technically a free day. But I'm still writing down everything I'm eating and working out. I've also joined (again) My Fitness Pal. I doubt this will be the end of my blogging, but a big thanks to everyone who read it :)

OH CRAP! Measurements & weight: I will post tomorrow. I TOTALLY forgot to do it...which is kind of funny - but the Advocare Challenge is about being healthy not necessarily losing weight (although, that's a bonus!).

That's all for now gentle readers, until next time...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day Twenty Two


I am going to get this out of the way right now: I had two white chocolate "drops". They kind of look like Kisses, but smaller and from Euphoria Chocolate and it's Valentine's Day and I'M FREAKING SORRY, OK? But I know events like these will happen. And that's ok. Just as long as they don't happen everyday and they don't involve a box of Chicken in a Biscuit crackers and a bag of Reeses Mini PB Cups. Heaven help us.

I did not work out today, because I didn't want to get all yucky and try and have a romantic evening with my boyfriend. No one likes dinner with a side of B.O. So instead, I bopped over to Walmart and spent too much money on rib eye steaks which I planned on BBQing for Shawn and red potatoes and asparagus. I ran into his grandmother while selecting my potatoes - she's the cutest little lady alive :) I asked her what she was doing for Valentine's Day, she said she was taking her husband out for dinner. I think they've been married for 900+ years, so this was adorable. I love it.

Once 5:00 FINALLY rolled around, I headed home with a gift bag full of goodies and my groceries for dinner. When I got home, I forced my gift on Shawn so I could receive my gift ASAP - yes, I'm one of "those".

OK - now, I'm assuming that all 7 of my readers are already my friends - so this is THE STORY:

Shawn was on the floor with our daughter, Rosalie. I was sitting on the couch in front of them. He reached under the couch and grabbed a little, jewelry box. My heart was in my toes, but I kept telling myself, "It's a necklace, it's earrings...". He started out "Babe, I don't really know how to do this..."

Holy. Shit.

He set the box on the couch. And told me all the mushy, gushy stuff that every girl loves to hear. But it was genuine and he was so terrified. It was adorbs. And then he asked that million dollar question:

Will you marry me?

HELL YEAH, I'LL MARRY YOU! Ha - jk, I was a little more in control, but just barely. Finally, he showed me the ring:


If you know me, you know I am a CRAZY LADY and have been wanting this for months (years). So I am just thrilled. I love my little fambam more than words and now I get to marry my best friend and the father of my beautiful baby girl. I'm so happy, I could cry (again).

So after the mayhem of getting engaged & notifying everyone in the whole wide world, I BBQed some badass steaks, mashed the potatoes (which I did not eat), and steamed the asparagus. Ladies and gentlemen, aside from the birth of my daughter, this was the best night of my life :)

Well, I best get on with it!

FOOD LOG of February 14, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, oatfit, 2 veggie patties
Morning snack: protein bar
Lunch: MNS, meal replacement shake
Afternoon snack: jerky
Dinner: rib eye steak, asparagus
128 oz. of water
89 pees
No poops
Two 1:10 second planks
1 engagement

I hope everyone had a Valentine's Day full of love. Have a great Friday!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day Twenty One

Ah, 21. Such a young & fragile age - with a pending alcohol problem. But we're not talking about years people, we are talking about DAYS. Today was the 21st day of my Challenge. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT. Do not fret, I have ordered more Advocare product and it arrives tomorrow - so I'll be all set for another 2 weeks or so. I feel like it's ok to let Advocare hold my hand through this journey, it hasn't done me wrong yet.

ANYWAY. Jennifer and I are now thouroughly addicted to planking. We're going to try and tack on 10 seconds every two days for the normal, front plank. We've also thrown side-planks into the mix - only doing 30 seconds per side because otherwise I think we might die. It is SO wonderful to have such a motivating, healthy friend that I work with 40 hours a week...Plus, she is one of the nicest, most genuine people I've ever had the privelage of knowing. So thank you Jennifer - for being a constant source of support for me! (She doesn't read my blog, because she's lame - so she's really missing out on me tooting her horn)

I went to the gym on my lunch hour. Just a quick 20 minutes on the elliptical and some weights and abs thrown in. I had to hop over to Target to grab some snackies because I was HUNGRY today. Blame it on the planks. Of course while I was there, I found cute p.j pants that I NEEDED (says the girl who owns about 100 pairs of sweatpants). Damn you Target & your affordable casual wear!

We didn't have dinner at Shawn's parents tonight because Deb had Bunco. Kind of a bummer, I haven't seen everybody since before the infamous flu bug - plus Debbie is about 2 weeks into her Challenge and I want to see her results! Because we were home for dinner, one of my besties, Niki, came to cook with me. And to BS with me. And to try and steal my kiddo (they're obsessed with each other). So on that note, I'll leave you with my food log for the day...

Hope everyone haves a great Valentines Day tomorrow!!!! <3

FOOD LOG of February 13, 2013
Breakfast: Spark, MNS, oatfit, banana
Morning Snack: jerky, almonds, pears
Lunch: Shake, MNS
Afternoon snack: 2 veggie patties & baby carrots
Dinner, 1/4 C quinoa, broccoli, carrots, chicken stirfry
After Dinner Snack: 1/4 of banana
^^^see: starving today! I think it's all the planking...
128 oz water


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day Twenty

I weighed myself today. I couldn’t help it. I know I’m supposed to “weight” (haha) until the 24th day, but curiosity killed the cat. 171!!! I weigh 171 lbs. I haven’t weighed that in years. Even pre-prego weight was closer to 175ish. I am desperately trying not to measure myself until the Challenge is over…Ann’s holding the measuring tape hostage. I’ve basically had a shit-eating grin on my face all day. It’s the small things…

Then I took my daughter to Michelle's. How cute is she:

After my monumental weigh in, another huge thing happened today: I went in to Jennifer’s office and we planked. FOR ONE MINUTE. I did it! I did it! I planked for a MINUTE! Take that Jillian Michaels!!!! That is the best thing everrrrrrr. Also, Jen had never planked before. Her first plank she ever did was for one minute. Whatta stinker.
^^^My friend, Justin, posted this on my Facebook after I posted this:
 On my lunch hour, I bopped to Wally’s World to try and find ANYTHING for Shawn for Valentine’s Day. I settled on an ice cream scoop and some cash. Now that is love. I’ll make him a nice dinner as well…probably something I can’t eat. I’ll make food with gluten in it so then I REALLY can’t eat it. I know I’ve mentioned eating gluten free on here, but I honestly have to eat gluten free otherwise I get super sick and mean. Not a good combo. God, I miss pasta.

This afternoon, it happened again:


 (It happened again at 5:00, but I'm sparing you another stopwatch pic...)
The plan was to go to they gym after work since I shopped on my lunch hour. It didn't happen. But I did plank 3x for 1 minute so I cut myself a break and went home to spend time with the fambam. I made a delish salad for dinner - which Shawn REALLY liked. He's been so super supportive & has actually enjoyed the majority of my healthy meals. Love that guy.

Anyway, that was my day in a nutshell. I did tune in to the State of the Union - not even going to get into politics, but can you imagine the thigh workout all those peeps get from standing and sitting every 8.9 seconds? HA! I also talked with my mom & daddy for a long time last night...miss them, I wish they lived in Eugene. Someday :)

Alrighty, moment of truth:

FOOD LOG of February 12, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, oatfit, banana
Morning snack: 3 prunes, 8 almonds, mandarin
Lunch: MNS, meal replacement shake
Afternoon snack: jerky
Dinner: Chicken, black bean salad with 1/4 C non-fat plain greek yogurt & 1/8 C reduced fat cheese (home made taco seasoning)
176 oz of water

Have a wonderful day loves!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day Nineteen

Hello my faithful followers!

 Today was a good, good day. I was extremely busy at work – which made time FLY by. And it also allowed me less time to think about cheating on Advocare. That’s actually a little bit of a lie…I feel great, I’m starting to look great (better), and I am extremely satisfied at the end of each day. But you have to remember: it takes more than 19 days to totally change a person. But I think with the help of Advocare, exercise, & my friends and family, I’ll be able to do it. Plus, it’s like quitting a drug – you have to REALLY WANT TO DO IT. And I do. I really want to be healthy and happy for my baby girl and for myself.

 I took the liberty of taking some selfies in the bathroom at work. When I came in this morning, Ann (my P.I.C) told me she could tell I was looking thinner. So of course, I had to take some shameless photos. EVERYONE IS DOING IT – DON’T FREAKING JUDGE ME (also, check out my cute phone case).

 I kicked some serious ass at the gym today. I will feel it tomorrow. HURTS SO GOOD! I planked for nearly 50 seconds! My goal is to do a 3 minute plank…I know I can do it. It will just take some working up to. I’ve started planking wherever I can: work, the gym, home on the floor playing with Rosalie…Everyone should start planking whenever they can. It’s a total body work out in a short period of time!

 So, I mentioned in an earlier blog my obsession with Mama Laughlin. I’m also obsessed with blogger Megan who writes Miss Madison’s Charmed Life ( She is another inspiration. Anyway, she raves about Brady Bands – they’re head bands that literally DO NOT MOVE on your head – perfect for working out. I bought a couple (cheap - $6. And at least 10% goes towards researching cancer). They are amaze-balls. So cute and comfy and like I said, no slipping! Remember how I told you guys I wanted to be one of the cute gym girls with awesome work out gear? Well, my collection has begun.
When I got home from work I was craving some chicken curry like WHOA! I have an amazing recipe if anyone ever wants it. I know I probably shouldn’t be ingesting coconut milk (the fat content is like 17% of your daily intake), but hot damn! That stuff is good. And I had a REALLY small helping so y’all can back off.

 Well my dears, I think that about sums it up! Have a wonderful day…

 FOOD LOG of February 11, 2013

Breakfast: MNS, Spark, oatfit, apple

Morning snack: almonds, mandarin

Lunch: MNS, Shake

Dinner: Chicken curry (1/4 C brown rice, chicken, onion, red bell pepper).

160 oz of water (over a gallon, heck yeah!)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day Seventeen & Eighteen

Another weekend came & went and yet, I failed to blog. But no worries, gentle readers! I documented everything to a T and am here to share (briefly) with you.


I got up and went to the gym – rocked its socks off. Finally got a good sweat in after the flu bug from hell. It felt so nice to be back in the gym…I missed it. Which is also a neat feeling: to genuinely miss working out. Such an athlete.

My plank time on Saturday

Saturday morning warm up


I headed to Target from there & spent too much money on things I didn’t need, but I did get this AWESOME water bottle that holds 32 oz of water. Plus it’s pink and I somehow became a girly-girl after having my daughter, so I love it. I also got these fun Essie nail stickers, because sometimes a girl needs to pamper herself.

Ugh, you're just going to have to twist your head to look at it. It's a water bottle, I think y'all get the jist. If not, maybe we shouldn't be friends...

After Target, I came home and the boys went to the brewfest. My bestie, Sarah came over and we immediately went SHOPPING. God. We have a problem. Rose, Sarah, & I headed to Old Navy where I bought a size MEDIUM shirt. HOLY CRAP. I bet people are worried about me because I'm starting to look like an Olsen twin ;) So excited to buy a medium, it was a good feeling. I also got my first pair of TOMS. It's a good freaking cause. Go do it (plust they're cute & comfy - it's a win, win).
I ate dinner with Sarah & Rosalie at the Northbank McMenamins. Aside from having TERRIBLE service, I enjoyed a decent salad (that only took an hour to come out of the kitchen) and Rose ate french fries. Whatta baby beez. It was a wonderful evening with the two best friends any girl could have.
FOOD LOG of February 9, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, Shake
Morning snack: Almonds
Lunch:Think thin bar
Dinner: Steak salad with cukes, red onion, bleu cheese <---WHOOPS
After Dinner Snack: Almonds
112 oz - did not get my gallon in :(

Sunday: I have to be brief because I have no time...went to lunch with my loves & then watched The Switch, THE WALKING DEAD, & half of The Grammys (thank god JT is back). It was the best day. I was so glad to spend some time with Shawn - sometimes, I don't feel like we get enough time to enjoy each other's company.

FOOD LOG of February 10, 2013
Breakfast: egg with reduced fat cheese, oatfit, 1/2 apple, MNS, Spark
Morning Snack: Almonds
Lunch: Chicken with shrimp, potatoes, zucchini, squash (Applebees, 550 cals)
Dinner: Meal replacement shake
100 oz of water - dang, not a gallon again!

Ok peeps, until next time!

Day Sixteen

This morning started out with a bang. Rosalie was an absolute STINKER and insisted on waking up when my alarm went off (6:00 am). This sucks because momma needs a shower. So in the shower WE went. And she screamed bloody murder during the entire thing. You all know how bathrooms echo, right? Right. Welcome to 6:00am. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. After I got her dressed and presentable, I strapped her into her high chair to keep her occupied and safe from any hairy creatures that may be lurking. From there she proceeded to scream while I blow dried my hair and threw everything on the floor (i.e snacks, crayons, paper). Needless to say, I was ready to drop her off with the lovely Michelle & take a mommy break. Lord.
Once I got to work, I sucked down a meal replacement shake and for the first time since Monday, I didn’t suffer from any nausea. WOO HOO! Now don’t get too excited…my dear friends, I had THE SCOOTS. Don’t know what “the scoots” is? Well let’s just quit this PG crap and call it what it was: I had THE SHITS. Dear lord. From about 11am til 1pm, I was the master of the toilet. My poor body has been through hell & back this week and again, I found myself unable to go to the gym. Because what’s worse than a fattie puking at the gym? Oh, maybe a fattie shitting her pants at the gym. AHH! I swear to god, if I can’t get to the gym tomorrow I’m gonna off someone (this is a false threat, nobody panic).
Even though I suffered from severe diarrhea today, I did manage to regain my appetite. How does that happen you ask? I do not know this. But I can tell you, come morning snack time, I was famished. When you haven’t eaten much solid food all week, your body has a WTF moment and you. get. hungry. Like, devour a whole pizza or eat a carton of ice cream hungry. But relax, gentle readers, I “stuffed myself” (ate the serving size) of jerky & had some pears. And that did the trick. What? Protein and fruit filled me up and I was content? WHAT? YES! YES! YES! This is what skinny people are like. I must be becoming one of them. Maybe they’ll let me in their club! All in all, it was a tiny battle that I won. Which is what this Challenge is – a bunch of tiny battles that you are strong enough to fight & win & feel accomplished at the end of the day, because you’re IMPROVING YOURSELF. Pretty cool.

Unfortunately, I did not make it to the gym today. HOWEVER: I made THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD. PIZZA! But healthy pizza! Instructions:

-Head of cauliflower, cut off the florets, rinse, and put in processor. Don’t puree, but pulse until the florets look like a grain.

-Microwave grainy cauliflower for 8 minutes (no need to add water)

-One cooked, combine 1 C. cooked cauliflower, 1 C. reduced-fat grated mozzarella cheese, 1 egg (or ¼ C egg substitute), ½ tsp. minced garlic, ½ tsp. oregano, salt & pepper). Mix well.

-Grease a baking sheet (I used fat-free olive oil PAM)

-Put mixture onto baking sheet & pat it out into about a 9 inch crust

-Bake on 450 for 15 minutes

-Take out & put on desired toppings

-Broil for about 5 min


DELISH! And I HATE cauliflower…


FOOD LOG of February 8, 2013

B-MNS, Spark, Shake

Morning Snack: Jerky, pears

Lunch: Think Thin bar

Afternoon snack: oatmeal (I TOLD YOU, I WAS HUNGRY!)

Dinner: Cauliflower pizza with reduced fat mozzarella, organic pizza sauce, & turkey pepperoni


WATER LOG of February 8, 2013

128 oz

Poop count: 1 million

Pee count: Ditto

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day Fifteen

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Not 100% yet, but I'm getting there. Man oh man, this flu bug was a nasty one. I am so sorry for any one else who got it. I was literally on my bed, paralyzed with nausea, crying out for my mother (who lives in Canby). It was pathetic. I was pathetic. And now, two days later, I'm still struggling through bouts of nausea. But I'm back at work & after a 2 day break, back on my challenge.

One of the hardest struggles I've dealt with throughout this flu bug was my inability to go to the gym. I have been JONESING to work out. But I am too nerve racked. No one wants to be the girl who blows chunks at the gym. Geesh, if that happens you may as well sign me up for The Biggest Loser now so Bob, Jillian, or Dolvette can give me the grief I deserve (can anyone tell I'm obsessed with that show? I CRY EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. Who does that?!).

I don't know if I have mentioned my love of Mama Laughlin. She is a Texan blogger who has lost a ton of weight the good old-fashioned way. She had her second child the day after my daughter was born and has documented her weight-loss stories through her blog: I am OBSESSED with this lady. I follow her on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, & her blog (which is e-mailed to me daily). She is hilarious, honest, and inspirational. This morning she mentioned in her blog that she would be starting the 24 day Advocare challenge. HOW EXCITING. I can't wait to follow along and see her amazing results. Y'all should too.

Well again, I did not make it to the gym. Boo hoo :( I wanted to go sooo bad, but I'm still suffering from some nausea. Ugh. I swear, come hell or high water, I will get my butt in there tomorrow. It's really disappointing to be doing so well in something and having this jack hammer thrown at me - messing everything up. C'est la vie. GRR.

I did take all my Advocare supplements today. I nearly puked them all up, but I got through we'll be counting this as Day Fifteen of my Challenge. I know everything will be ok & I'll get right back on track. Again, annoying and disappointing.

Wow, talk about some bitching & moaning! Ha! Oh well, what can ya do?

When I got home from work, I made soup for Shawn and I and a PB&J for Rose. In the midst of our adorably cliche family dinner, Shawn exclaimed, "OMFG, THERE IS A MOUSE!" And ladies & gents, there was a mouse. Son of a gun, I HATE germy little creatures around my kiddo. Off to Target I went and spent $30 on mouse killing machines (that sucker was dead come 3:30 this morning). Gross.

Ok, here you go:

FOOD LOG of February 7, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, Meal Replacement Shake
Morning Snack: Think Thin Bar
Lunch: (I needed something substantial as I haven't eaten sh*t in the last couple of days) Gluten Free turkey sandwich with egg-free mayo, natural turkey, & lettuce
Dinner: Light Progressive Pot Roast soup

WATER COUNT of February 7, 2013
128 oz (a gallon exactly, phew!)
Pee count: not nearly as many, I think I was dehydrated
Poop count: 1
Puke count: 0
Nausea count: 32

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day Fourteen & Fifteen

Hello readers.

If any of you are friends with me on Facebook you may have read that I contracted a horrible stomach flu virus. I awoke yesterday morning and proceeded to vomit for hours & hours. I was so paralyzed with nausea that my friend had to come get Rosalie and take her to Michelle's. I literally could not move from my bed unless to try & make it to the toilet. It was literally one of the worst days of my life.

Needless to say, I did not participate in my 24 day challenge yesterday. Nor am I today. I am currently following the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast - GF of course). But can barely eat anything. I did have a Spark this morning to try & ward off my pounding headache. It worked. Another reason to love Advocare. So unfortunately I will have to extend my challenge 2 days :( It'll be ok, we'll get through it together!

I DID weigh in this morning (because puking makes you lose weight - people are bulimic for a reason, no I am not an advocate of this): 172.5 lbs! HOLLER.

Tomorrow's post will be about Day 15 (again). But it'll be Day 15 of my challenge, not just Day 15 of my life.

To anyone else suffering from this horrible flu bug: please forgive me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day Twelve & Day Thirteen

Well folks, my apologies – I did not blog at all this weekend. I know, I know – slap on my hand, spit on my neck, and get over it. You try blogging when your 15 month old is vomiting all over you (there’s that vomit talk again), you’re doing 6+ loads of laundry, & drooling over Beyonce’s Super Bowl performance. I still took notes & kept record of all the things that matter the most, i.e. food & water consumption and my pee & poop log. The essentials, ya know?


So since I failed at my blog this weekend, I’m still going to post my logs and then I’m gonna be done with it because I’m at work and have more important things to do: like my job. Not saying that it’s unimportant for me to blog, I just have my livelihood at stake, lol. I will be back on track for blogging about Day 14, so nobody panic!


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!


FOOD LOG of February 2, 2013

Breakfast: MNS, Spark, 2 veggie patties & oatfit

Morning Snack: 6oz of Naked “Green Machine”

Lunch: Meal replacement shake, MNS

Afternoon snack: ½ protein bar

Dinner: Skinny Chilie (chicken breast, red bell pepper, onion, fat free black beans, low sodium corn – my starchy carb for the day, garlic up the wazoo) with ½ c non-fat plain Greek yogurt (sub for sour cream)


160 oz of water

2 poops

800 pees

Only baby puke

And a killer work out at the gym


FOOD LOG of February 3, 2013

Breakfast: MNS, spark, meal replacement shake

Morning snack: ½ protein bar

Lunch: 2 veggie sausages, raw broccoli, carrots, celery, ½ c ranch made with nonfat plain Greek yogurt

Afternoon snack: veggies, 1/8 c ranch made with nonfat plain Greek yogurt

Dinner: Tilapia filet, salad with fat free Italian dressing

After dinner snack: Almonds



132 oz of water

1 poo

87 pees

No baby pukies, no momma pukies

Biggest Loser WO DVD (I AM DEAD TODAY!)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day Eleven

Hello my dear friends!

Today started smoothly & I got through the day with no accidental vomiting. Ha! And you thought the poop talk was bad. Let's throw a little puke into the mix, shall we? And NO. I am not pregnant. Dear God. Love my child, one is fine for now :) Besides, what kind of example would I set for my wee one if I just gave up on this weight loss - get healthy kick to gorge myself on all prego cravings? Not a good one. Yes I've heard of these "healthy pregnancies". I am not ready for that yet. I mean, I'm only on day 11 here.

SIDE NOTE: Ann (my P.I.C) weighed in this morning and lost 7 pounds! So proud of her & what we are accomplishing together.

Luckily, Rose is back to her normal schedule. After Michelle's daughter contracted a horrible flu virus, we kept the girls apart - for nearly 2 weeks! I think that it's safe to say that Rosalie, Michelle, & Kyra all genuinely missed each other. I could tell by the 3-way embrace they had when I dropped Ro off this morning. I also was glad to see Michelle & Kyra. If you remember, this whole thing is Michelle's fault - and I will forever be indebted to her for it. She has held my hand throughout the last 11 days & I will make her hold it for the next 13. Lezzzzziiiieeees. Just kidding, I have a baby daddy.

SO. Moving on from the lezzie talk. If you all are following as closely as you should be, I am now finished with the "cleanse" part of the challenge. I am now in the "burn" phase. This part has burn days & refuel days. On the burn days there is no fruit or starchy carbs allowed while on the refuel days you can consume a moderate amount. I am also now ingesting the Metabolic Nutrition System (MNS MAX). 30 minutes before breakfast, I take 4 pills. With breakfast (now a chocolate meal replacement shake), I take 5 pills. And then 30 minutes before lunch, I take 3 pills. Now correct me if I'm wrong: but that is a grand total of 12 pills before I'm even home from work. Told you, PILL PUSHER. Not too mention the 3 Omega-3 pills I take with dinner every night. Nom nom nom, vitamins are gooood for you. OH SH*T, I also have those Catalyst bad boys. Ay yi yi. All in a days work.

I did go to the gym today. After yesterday's throw-up mishap, I obviously did not work out. But a little puke never killed anyone (probably has, I'm not a doctor). So, on my lunch hour I headed out to do 25 minutes on the rowing machine, burning 200 calories. Not too shabby for my midday break. I'm ready to start grinding it out at the gym though. I want to be one of those cute girls with LuLu Lemon work out gear and abs of steal. In time, gentle readers, in time.

When I got home from work the baby was taking a nap. So, I VEGGED out on the couch and caught up on Project Runway. So nice to relax in peace & quiet once in a while. I know all my mommy friends catch my drift. With the Super Bowl rapidly approaching & realizing I've accidentally set myself up for a mini-SuperBaugh party, I'm understanding how busy Saturday will be...I will get everything spic & span, but not before I work my ass at the gym. GONNA RUN 'TIL I DON'T JIGGLE.

Well ladies & gents (I'm sure there is a male reader out there somewhere. Jake, you don't count), The Doors are on Palladia now & I've got a busy bee of a baby beez to chase around (whew! alliterations!). So I will leave you with my food log & all that jazz.

Have a wonderful evening!!

FOOD LOG of February 1, 2013
Breakfast - Little packets of bullsh*t (pills), Spark, meal replacement shake
Morning snack - Think Thin bar
3 catalyst
Lunch: Little packet of bullsh*t, salad w/ chicken, 4 pieces of jerky
Dinner: Stir fry (chicken, red onion, white onion, red bell pepper, snap peas, broccoli)...I made rice for Shawn, but I didn't have any (WINNING)
After dinner snack: Almonds

WATER COUNT of February 1, 2013
240 oz of water (that's nearly TWO gallons)
Pee count: 1 million
Poop count: 2
Puke count: 0

**I also had caffeine-free peppermint tea after dinner, DELISH!

Day Ten

So, I weighed in today. And measured. I’m not supposed to do these things until Day 11, however, I am a crazy person and since I originally weighed myself on my mom’s scale, I felt as if I had to weigh myself the 2nd time on that scale. My mom babysat Ro today for me so I made her bring me said scale. When I woke up, I stripped down, went pottie and hopped on the scale…Now let’s all remember my original tally:


Before AdvoCare:

Weight: 181.3 lbs, 5 foot
Right Arm: 12 1/2 inches
Shoulders: 47 1/2 inches
Chest: 45 inches
Waist: 38 1/2 inches
Hips: 44 1/2 inches
Right thigh: 23 1/2 inches
Right calf: 15 1/2 inches

Total Inches: 227


Day 10:

Weight: 176.2 lbs, still 5 foot

Right Arm: 13 ½ (muscccles) inches

Shoulders: 45 ½ inches

Chest: 44 inches

Waist: 37 inches

Hips: 44 ½ inches

Right thigh: 23 inches

Right calf: 15 inches

Total Inches: 222.5


I know this doesn’t seem like a whole heck of a lot, but you have NO idea how much it is to me! I am thrilled. Heck, I probably would have been thrilled with a pound. This shows me that my hard work is paying off and to keep doing what I am doing. As my mom likes to remind me: You didn’t put it on overnight & it won’t come off overnight. I think that’s a wonderful perspective to have while losing weight & I appreciate her wisdom.


So I had a little bit of a crazy day today, I ended up throwing up twice at work and leaving by 2pm. I went home to nap and relax and gather myself. Luckily it was a fluke & I had a quick recovery, but it threw off both my food intake and my blogging, so today’s blog is just a tad less great than my usual works of art. I do apologize, gentle readers.


FOOD LOG of January 31, 2013

Breakfast: Probiotic restore, Fiber drink, Think Thin Bar

Morning snack: Mandarin, almonds

Lunch/Afternoon snack: Progressive soup (Lite) beef with vegges

Dinner: Salad with chicken

After dinner snack: 3 catalyst


WATER COUNT of January 31, 2013

160 oz of water

Pee count: 7006

Poop count: 2

Puke count: 2


Hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!