Hello, hello! I know - there were no blogs over the weekend. And it's because I was busy. After I got engaged, like any good fiance, I took off for the weekend to hangout with my gays and my girls. It was a blast. But I. Was. Terrified. I know what these things include: booze, food, little to no activity - and I used to be the queen of that. But things are different now - and aside from the alcohol consumption, I think I did a great job.
We left Friday afternoon around 3:30 and embarked on a 4 hour road trip. Luckily I made an awesome mixed c.d and got an apple to munch on. Once we got to Klamath Falls, the champagne started flowing. We had to toast my engagement, Brandon's new job, and the fact that the sky is blue. Then I switched to vodka. I've done my research, according to My Fitness Pal, a vodka soda with lime is around 57 calories. I had roughly 900. So I think I did ok :) In actual reality, I didn't drink enough to be sh*t faced, nor did I drink enough to give me a terrible headache. I drank the perfect amount for any self respecting dieter. However, Friday's dinner was pure fat/carbs and NO veggies. WHOOOOOOOPS. Luckily, Ann gave me a few of her Advocare carb pills. So that may have saved me (?).
BTW: DRUNKEN PLANKS ARE THE BEST THING EVER. I planked for 2 minutes (!).
Saturday morning we woke up and walked down (uphill) to a little bakery and a store. I had a few bites of a poppy seed muffin, but was terrified of the gluten so I stopped eating it. I also order a soy vanilla latte and THEY DIDN'T HAVE SUGAR-FREE VANILLA SYRUP. I couldn't handle it and ended up tossing about 3/4 of it. Waste of money. But the rest of the day was stunning and we sat outside for hours just GABBING (inside joke) about our lives. One life (inside joke).
After a respectable amount of time we started drinking again. We opened a pretend beauty salon, Sh'Gay (inside joke) and painted our nails, drank more champagne and more vodka. I was a little loopy by 8pm (could have been 10pm, no sense of time on this mini vaca)...so I stopped drinking and switched to water. It was the girls turn to cook dinner and since Rachel & I are extremely health conscious right now, it was a bit more healthy than the gay version (which was DELISH).
The boys ended up going to the bar and since the girls are lame we stayed home and cuddled up in front of Rachel's laptop watching the Beyonce documentary. Sunday morning we had a big (fattening) breakfast and headed back north. Twas a lovely, lovely time. Here are some of my fave moments:
-Everyone made fun of me for blogging and constantly questioned if I was going to blog about something.
-Do you know how much this is worth?
-Virgin Mary
-Do you really need Argon Oil like, right now?
-One Life
-You just touched my nose
-I like soft flowers. Rose are too hard with their spikes.
-I just love gabbing
^^^Mose of these things can be credited to the hilarious and beautiful Lance Heistler
So, let's get down to business. I know that the last few days of my Challenge I wasn't perfect. But ya know, I got engaged over Valentine's Day and then went on a trip with some of my best friends. Over all, the damage was minimal & I'm ok with that...
FOOD LOG of February 15, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, oatfit, veg sausage
Morning Snack: jerky, pears
Lunch: MNS, shake
Afternoon Snack: Apple
D: Chicken with Alfredo Sauce and GF pasta (UH OH - but I stayed away from the most delicious looking/smelling bread. And had an ok portion)
Alcohol Count: 1 champagne, 6? vodka sodas with lime...Hot diggity
Water: 184 oz
Pees: 95 (2 were outside, thxxx KFalls)
Poops: I don't remember this.
Planks: 2 min + the three 1:10 planks at work
FOOD LOG of February 16, 2013
Breakfast: MNS, Spark, 1/4 (barely) poppy seed muffin, 1/4 soy vanilla latte, blue gatorade
Morning Snack: 3 PORK sausages, 6 chips w/ guac, 3/4 apple, 1 little bite of a Cutie
Lunch: MNS, steak salad: garbanzo beans, spinach, red onion, bleu cheese, bacon. rasp. vinaigrette (on side), vodka soda w/ lime
D: 1/3 chicken breast, 2 tbsp. nonfat Greek yogurt, broccoli with butter, spinach salad with cukes, green bell pepper, romaine, & Greek yogurt vinaigrette, 3/4 C of Shawn's mom's famous potatoes
Alcohol Count: 2 champagne, 5 vodka sodas with lime and grapefruit juice
Water: 112 oz
Pees: 45
Poops: 0
No planks
Walked 2 miles. Treacherous.
SEE? There were sooooo many opportunities to eat so much worse than what I did. Like a cheeseburger at lunch with yummy fries or just sticking my face into the guac. It's all in moderation folks :) Not too mention when I used to drink it used to be a 12 pack of beer. Just pick the healthier option.
I have been off my Challenge since Saturday - which was technically a free day. But I'm still writing down everything I'm eating and working out. I've also joined (again) My Fitness Pal. I doubt this will be the end of my blogging, but a big thanks to everyone who read it :)
OH CRAP! Measurements & weight: I will post tomorrow. I TOTALLY forgot to do it...which is kind of funny - but the Advocare Challenge is about being healthy not necessarily losing weight (although, that's a bonus!).
That's all for now gentle readers, until next time...