Wednesday, April 17, 2013

These are my confessions...

1. No, much to your dismay, I am not Usher.

2. I have not done the 30 Day Shred since April 5th. That would mean I did only 12 days of the THIRTY Day Shred. Not the 12 Day Shred. If only it were that easy.

3. I submitted Rosalie to a Cutest Of Them All Contest on (our local crap radio station).

4. ^^^I did not tell Shawn.

5. I ate worse than I have since September on Sunday. Hang overs + Aunt Flow = 2 Sausage McMuffins, 2 hash browns, 1 mocha, 4 pieces of pepperoni pizza, 1 bag of Kettle Korn - the Healthy Pop kind. Awesome (womp womp).

6. This morning, instead of grabbing my gym clothes, I just looked at my running shoes and kept on walking.

7. I have had 2 Sparks (, 2 cups of coffee, and a latte today. My eyeballs still aren't functioning properly.

8. I shamelessly plug my blog. I had to manually sign my mom and my coworkers up to receive it via e-mail. YOU'RE WELCOME.

9. I pick fights with my spouse and then get REALLY butthurt that he gets upset with me. This usually happens once a month. Three guesses why.

10. I'm so lazy that I call Shawn from upstairs to bring me ANYTHING from downstairs.

When I read through these, I get a good chuckle (because I'm damn funny). But ultimately, I see them as the things I need to adjust in my life. Like, maybe don't get so drunk on Saturday night that I have to eat complete JUNK on Sunday (I promise, this is raaaare). And maybe don't excuse being a b*tch to my fiance because I've started my period. But in reality folks, I'm not freaking perfect - I'm just aiming to be the best version of myself.

One last thing: My eating hasn't been great lately. I am going to be cleaning that up again with the Advocare cleanse. I'm REALLY hoping this is going to push me into the 150s! Freaking excited. Watch out summa-time.

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