I grew up in Canby. One of my best friends was Amy. Another was Beth. They like country. I was exposed - and sometimes I feel reminiscent. Apparently, that's what's happening today. Whatevz.
SO. Some news for you all:
I have signed up to be an Advocare Distributor! What does that mean? That means that YOU can go to www.advocare.com and say WHY, YES I KNOW A DISTRIBUTOR. Type in my name (Michelle Hiskey) and the city in which I live (Eugene, OR - creepers), and you can order product! I know, I'm so nice, I'M DOING THIS FOR ALL Y'ALL.
In all honesty, if you have been struggling with energy, weight loss, weight management, or overall wellness - Advocare is worth looking in to. I adore it. It's changed my life in more ways than one. If you have any questions, please contact me - I'd be happy to chat with you about it. And if I can't explain (because I'M SO ELOQUENT), I know some peeps that'll bestow their expertise on ya. Should be fun!
***If anyone is interested in doing the Advocare Cleanse, I will be putting myself to the test again. And with a couple of friends. I think we're going to start around April 29th. Power in numbers peeps.
I'll also try and post some clean-eating recipes that will get you through your cleanse. Woop woop.
Well, folks, have a great weekend.
I'll just leave you with my photoshoot with Rosalie from this morning:
Good luck!!