Thursday, March 21, 2013


Sooo, in the midst of Aunt Flo's visit, I braved the scale to confirm what I saw the other day...

Yes folks: I weigh 162.5.

I'm creeping up on the 150s and I could not be more thrilled. I made a couple of purchases today:

This Danskin waist trimmer belt - because Michelle got one and I have to do everything she does.

And this Pyle heart rate/calorie monitor. I have been wanting one of these for a while. I'm going to start Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred this weekend and wanted to be able to track my calorie burn. Plus, I don't feel as if the machines are accurate at the gym - and I'm having trouble tracking calorie burn during weight lifting. I was eyeballing some spendier heart rate/calorie monitors, but found this little doozie on Amazon for around $25. The reviews were pretty good, so we'll see!

I so wish today was Friday, but alas, it is not. So let's all be extra kind to each other folks, for this is one LONG ASS WEEK.

Peace out.

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