Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day Six

Happy Sunday!

I'm going to start with a memory. I just had a phone conversation with my mom - mainly discussing my healthier state of mind (I wish Jay-Z would rap about that). And I told her a story about "my wake up call". I think every person who has ever struggled with weight and has eventually done something about it has had that moment where they go "aha". My moment happened in September 2012. I attended a Duck football game with my father. My dad is one of the healthiest people I have ever met (apparently I decided to ignore his advice for the last 24 years). While at the game, I bought a bag of Kettle Korn. Now we all know when I say a bag of Kettle Korn, I mean a trash bag size able to fit a dead body. THOSE SUCKERS ARE GIANT. Then I proceeded to eat the entire bag during the second half. A day or two later, my mom called me and as gently as humanly possible, she expressed the concern her and my father had for me. While I was telling this story to my mom on the phone, she only had a vague memory of it. But for me - I mark that moment as my epiphany, my "aha" moment, the moment that made me want to change my life...

So let's fast forward to today!

Usually on Sunday's my boyfriend has band practice around 12pm. I woke up at 8:30 with Rosalie and dinked around. I had expressed that I wanted to go to the gym, but as the hour neared noon, I still had yet to go. Then band practice was canceled and I was out of excuses. So I strapped on my shoes and strapped in my boobs and headed to the gym. I took 3 Catalyst before I went - and waited 15 minutes before I began physical activity, which is recommended. I bopped on the elliptical and channel surfed until I found LOTR. Boo yeah! If you know me, you know I can do just about anything while watching LOTR. 20 minutes later, I had burned 185 calories and fake-travelled 2 miles. My machine read "your workout is now over". Well, F you machine, I am not finished. From there I hopped on the treadmill to walk/run a mile and burn another 115 calories. Now we're talking. Feeling like a freaking God, I did lunges, a 45 second plank, my arm routine, guessed it! 25 SIT UPS! Ok, I know I only did 25, but for me that's like Britney Spears in her hey-day. I was quite pleased and a sweaty mess; plus, this marked day 5 in the gym. Eat your heart out, Jillian Michaels.

From the gym, I headed home to eat lunch and shower. Shawn's grandfathers 87th birthday is today and his party was set to start at 3:30. What was on the menu you ask? FREAKING PIZZA. Oh man, that pizza smelt like everything you have ever wanted in your life stuck on a pie and smothered with cheese. I resisted that mofo like a champ. Jazz hands!

Oh I have a confession. I did something "bad". I had a soy chai tea latte this afternoon. But it was SOY not MILK. And shit happens.

Now, here I sit, 9:30 on a Sunday night blogging about my Challenge and still mourning the mid season break of The Walking Dead (restarts Feb 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I am pooped. Here's to another great week! Have a wonderful evening, gentle readers.

FOOD LOG on January 27, 2013
Breakfast: Probiotic restore, Spark, 1/2 c oatmeal (oh yeah! I like that OatFit oatmeal, not too shabby!), apple
Morning Snack: Almonds
Lunch: 1/2 chicken breast, salad, fat free Italian dressing
Afternoon Snack: plain, small salad
Dinner: Turkey sandwich with cucumber, bell pepper, lettuce, spinach, red onion, oil & vinegar on gluten free bread

WATER COUNT on January 27, 2013
160 oz
Pee count: 8900
Poop count: 2

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