Monday, May 25, 2015


Happy Memorial Day everyone!
I hope I find you all well and full and happy.
This has been a very nice weekend thus far and I've faced it head on like the champ I am.
I'm on Day 22 of Whole 30 and I cannot believe how quickly it's coming to a close!
It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it - I saw this on IG this morning and it rang with truth (<---quote from Brave, anyone?).

"Stop wishing for other people's bodies. Find peace with your own. Just eat food. Eat real food. Be active and live your life. Forget all the diet and weight loss nonsense. It's really just that. Nonsense."

^^I adore this. I just need to remember it on the daily!

So, let's rewind a tad to Friday night.
We went over to Rosalie's BFF's (Blayke's) house - her parents are awesome and were the hostesses with mostesses.
I contributed this fruit salad.
Yum yum, give me some.

Ro & Blayke gearing up to roast some 'mallows.
Aren't they legit the cutest things you've ever seen?

Saturday was spent cleaning up our back patio.
It was a hot mess express out there! 
We had company yesterday for a BBQ and it was the perfect motivation to make our home look presentable.
I made chicken/veggie kabobs, prosciutto wrapped asparagus, curry mac salad (which I didn't eat), roasted sweet potatoes, and lots of munchies. Everything turned out delish (such a chef)!
Dinner was followed by a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity.
No big deal, but I won.
My best hand:
You have never truly experienced  ______ until you have dealt with _________.
I played: You have never truly experienced clenched buttcheeks until you have dealt with the boners of the elderly.

Anyway, I'm really avoiding working out, but I think my procrastination is coming to an end. 
I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day! 


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