Thursday, December 18, 2014


Good morning, folks.
Just chyillin' - enjoying Winter Break more than I can say.
Like enjoying it so hard, that I am still in my jammies and unbathed (YOLO).

I received my grades last night on my Fall 2014 term and was fairly pleased.
B+ in Anatomy and Physiology (I really, really, really wanted an A).
And an A in Soc 204.
C'est la vie - I'm glad I did fairly well.
But since Nursing School is so darn competitive, A's are desired.
Luckily, Lane Community College changed their nursing application last year. It is based off a point system. So now a B in Anatomy and Physiology is equal to the amount of points an A is. The only thing it effects is your GPA. So fingers crossed that some other peeps score a B here and there in their classes.

Hmmmm...what else?
The Hollerdayz are in full swing. Let me tell you what, losing weight is not easy this time of year.
I have embarked on a 6-week journey of no drinking. Gotta cut those calories somewhere - and sometimes, prime rib > wine (I'm shocked I said it too).
Should be good for me though...tracking points on Weight Watchers not only includes the foods you eat, but the drinks you consume as well.
And unfortunately things like wine, whiskey, and yummy Holiday drinks at Starbucks are filled with points. Boooooo.

The season is about to get busy here soon - starting this weekend. So if you need me, I'll be soaking up my laziness all the live long day.

And what blog is complete without a pic (or two)...
Rosalie and I ready to take in some Christmas lights on a limo ride.
Yes, she got some red lipstick, too :)

And just one more...because CUTE!!

Hope I find you jolly & well!