Thursday, February 27, 2014

MacBook Pro

Hey there, ho there faithful readers!
I'm coming at you from my brand new MacBook!
Yes, I splurged & bought myself something shiny...

My computer & I. 
Love at first sight.

Anyway, my momma is in town so we are realllllly busy (Rosalie is napping & we are watching Grey's Anatomy on the couch).

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Doing it Right

Hey girl, heyyyyy. 
Rosalie says that all the time. And being the (im)mature parent that I am, I not only taught her it, but encourage it. 
Because it's funny. 

Rachel came this weekend. 
We got dinner at Sabai. 
It was delicious Thai food...but we both agreed that all Thai food is generally delicious. 
This app took the prize:
Chicken skewers with a peanut dipping sauce.
To die. 

My eating is still pretty in check. 
Doing my Advocare shakes again...
I'm clearly doing it right. 
I'm down about 4 pounds since my last weigh in. 
But I'm still not really moving my butt. 
I want to sign up for a weight class next term if I can fit it into my class schedule. 

Other than school and Rachel and food, life is looking up. 
Things are progressing well with Shawn and that makes me happy. 
Plus I have the cutest kid of all time...

It's okay to be jealous of her Hiskey-Hogan good looks. 

And here are two things that I both love AND identify with:

Sarah Marie Barrett sent me this ^^ this morning.

Well. That's about it. 
Currently cuddled on the couch with Ro & Rach watching Finding Nemo. 
If anybody needs us, we'll be here (bring us wine).

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I swear by this stuff.

So I thought I'd write an extra dumb blog for all you gentle readers. 
I have compiled a list of my favorite products. 
No need to thank me. 

Does anybody else use baby lotion for themselves?
Just me? Weird. 
I am obsessed with this stuff & it's only $4.99 for the big bottle. HOLLA. 

My mom is the shit and gave me this. 
Dermalogica is way out of my price range, but it's THE BEST. 

I drink Emergen-C almost daily. 
I swear by it. 

Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut oil. 

Moroccan Oil. 
Thanks to Sarah Devor, I am addicted. 
I use it on my hair, my hands, my pitty-pits. 
Don't knock it 'til you try it. 

And last, but not least, the granddaddy of them all:
Another shout out to Sarah for introducing me to this GEM. 
Got a burn? Put some Aquaphor on it. 
Got a cut? Put some Aquaphor on it. 
Got a pimple? Put some Aquaphor on it. 
Dry skin? Chapped lips? Put some Aquaphor on it. 
It's a miracle cream. FOR ANYTHING.  

And that is my "I swear by this stuff" list. 

Monday, February 10, 2014


I am so tired, y'all. 
I slept like shit last night. In fact, I don't know if I really even slept. 

The snow is finally melting! 
But before I let it go, a few more pics for your enjoyment:

All Rosalie likes to do in the snow is RUN. 

Jeep on the rocks. 
Get it? Get it?

Good riddance Snowpocolypse '14. 
Get on with your bad self. 

I've cleaned up my eating quite a bit since you last heard from me. 
Now I just need to start moving my buns again. *STAT*
Apparently being a snow bunny doesn't count as cardio (whatever). 

And last but not least, I took a "Which Mean Girls Character are You" quiz on Buzzfeed:

Friday, February 7, 2014

My trip to Cali and 170 (grimace).

I had the most amazing time in Cali. 
I don't think I can express how much I love my family. 
I wish (almost daily) that we lived closer. But let's face it - although they know how to party, Californians cannot handle this weather!
Kill me now. 
Didn't we do this already? Yesssss. 
In all honesty, my Cali family could handle this shit BECAUSE I WOULD KEEP THEM WARM WITH LOVE. 
Not convincing or sappy enough?
Then the alcohol may do it :)
My cuz and I, headed to my uncle's clubhouse. 
It was the ultimate mancave. 
I fit right in. 
My cousin, Nolan, taught me about 3D Beer Pong. 
No. I didn't play.
Because it would have killed me. 
I had In-N-Out for the first time. 
Hard pass.
B-Ville for the win (suck it Devah). 
Although we all rooted against the Sea Chickens, we saluted to the Ducks. 
A dolla makes me holla. 
And then we ended that shit by lighting a Seahawk shirt on FIYAAAA. 
It was all very Alicia Keys. 
And we also ate.
All day. Everyday. 
And drank. 
It. Was. The. Best. 

Anyone want to guess how much I weigh right now?
I am so beyond not okay with the ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY POUNDS I WEIGH. 
You read it right. 170 lbs. 
That's why I look like this...
Don't mind the beauty on the right. 
I hate that I let myself gain 20 pounds. I don't know where I went wrong. 
I feel tired. Ill. Gross. 

I refuse to let this be who I am. 
So I call on my friends and family to help.
Keep me accountable. 
I need you all!
Peace and love, commrades.