Friday, May 31, 2013


I need to b*tch for a second.
This was my dinner last night:
4 oz. of chicken and a salad.
This was Shawn's dinner:
4 oz. of chicken and a MOUND of homemade mac 'n' cheese.
Because I am that nice of a fiancée.
I stared at it and drooled the entire time.
You think I'm joking...
Later on Rosalie kept saying, "side! side!". Which means outside. So out we went:
Rosalie and I are really mastering the art of taking bad selfies.
Sorry bb girl!
Like I said in my last post, times be ROUGH.
So I maybe had a beer last night.
It's ok, I had plenty of calories left.
And when I weighed this morning? 156.
And yes, I have epically failed at #noweighmay. Thanks for calling me out Juliane :)
Today I'm having a rest day because I plan on putting in some serious gym time over the weekend.
And I look cute and don't wanna fudge it up:

I can't believe how loose my clothing is getting on me.
I know this isn't a great representative of that...but come on, would I lie to you?

So my friend Jaime has started watching Rosalie on Friday's since Michelle started her internship.
Jaime also watches another little boy during the week & brought him over today.
Ladies & gentlemen, I think my daughter is in love...
Shawn's ready to kick his butt at any sign of heartbreak (JK JK JK).

Jaime, Rosalie, Josh
Josh handing Ro a flower <3
The look of love.
So what if Jaime texts me all these pics and then I put them on my blog and rep them like they're my own?
I just wish I wasn't an idiot and knew how to post videos.
Jaime sent me one of them singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
For any and all who are interested: That song is Rosalie's JAM.
Anyway gentle readers, that's really all I got.
EXCEPT: ERIK FREAKING MILLER is coming to town today.
I expect about 900 men at my house. There will be lots of talk about boobs, beer, and butts. And they will all call Erik "Ken Doll".
I can't wait.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Losing vs. Maintaining

Yo folks.

Lately I have been SLACK about my eating habits (and my drinking habits).
Thank Jesus Christo I fell in love with the gym & have no qualms with working out.
But since my 2nd Advocare Cleanse (where I got down to 156 - my official 40 lb. weight loss), I have been gaining and losing the same 4-6 eL BeeS.
This got me thinking - I am in "maintenance" mode...not "losing" mode.
Which is ridiculous, because let's face it: I'm 5' (maybe 5'1 on a good day) and 156 lbs. ain't gonna cut it, folks.
So after a weekend that included 2 nights of drinking and 2 trips to fast food restaurants, I braved the scale Sunday morning and saw: 162.

Talk about a reality check.
It's amazing how a couple days of eating whatever I want can put me back up 6 lbs!
And let's be real - it wouldn't take much to slip right back into this:

Ain't nobody wanna see that.
So, I got my ass back into "losing mode".
I realize that my weight on Sunday was probably a reflection of alcohol & sodium bloat (and I needed to take a poo), but it freaked me out!
I have been eating clean and working out everyday and I am happy to report the scale read 157 this morning.
Thank the lord.
There's always an excuse for eating like crap and not working out.
Believe me, my life has been a roller coaster the past couple of weeks and I've used every excuse under the sun.
But there comes a point when you realize that binge eating and sitting on the couch all day is not going to make anything any better any time soon (ANY ANY ANY).
So move more, eat less.
It's really as simple as that.
Oh: and of course, JUST KEEP GOING. <---PREACH is me lazing around with my goo-boo this weekend:
Aren't we pretty?
Great angles.
Here's me yesterday, with my ass in gear:

I think people love that I take pics of myself at the gym.
Like I said: the past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster ride.
Family, work, name it.
It's been tough...
Last night I needed a treat.
I had 116 calories left to do what I wanted with.
Of course, I asked the question on FB: sweet potato fries or a beer?
My fave response?
" fat."
Rosalie was in true form last night. Chillin' out relaxin', maxin' all cool:

Somebody is obsessed with momma's Snuggie.
Or as she calls it: Suggies
By the end of the night, I had reached my limit and looked like this:
And it looks like we need more soap in that bathroom.
I think when things get rough and life doesn't work out the way you think it will, you revert back into your most comfortable coping mechanism.
Mine is eating.
And then, there is regret.
So even though life hasn't been easy as pie the last few weeks, I need to take a different route...
Stick to eating clean and taking it out on the gym.
So......hold me to it, peeps...because we all need a little support some times!
One more day ;)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend (in a nutshell)

So...I'm going to start with: Shawn has a lot of friends.
Of course, they are all single men.
I love them each dearly.
But they COMPLAINED ALL WEEKEND that they weren't in my blog.
So, Trevor, Dave, Matty, & are welcome...

It all started when I got home from work Friday evening and Shawn had hit up the liquor store.
Sometimes, he just gets me.
We started sippin' on some whiskey like a damn country song.
Then Ro got stuck:

I know, SERIOUS turmoil.
Once little beezball was tucked safely into bed, the guys arrived.
So did Mallory (my saving grace).
Let's just say I say I ended up sharing a communal burrito between Che, Trev, & Mal at 1AM in my kitchen.
At least I didn't look like this:
That's Dave asleep on my back patio.
He has REALLY good friends.

The next day Gramma came to pick up Rosalie and kidnap her watch her for the night.
We had some fun waiting for her to arrive:

I missed this preshy face!
While Rosalie was gone, Shawn & I got our nerd on and went and saw Iron Man 3.
I don't give a crap Rolling Stone, IT WAS EPIC.
I will always love Tony Stark.
Then we headed for the Bierstein - I had their Beer Cheese Soup and a side salad.
Gosh darn, that stuff is SO SO SO good.
Later on, we hit the true style:
Cracking up because Levi ended up having to take our pic on his phone.
Because Trevor tried and ended up dropping my phone on the patio, photo bombing us, and taking the blurriest pic of us possible.
This is why:
I know.
Trev & Levi really held it together.
Ladies? Any takers?
And then Matty showed up.
And things were good.
Luckily I was responsible and only had a beer or two, so I could drive these crazies home.
I had to drive to Salem to pick up Rosalie on Sunday.
She was SO happy to see me:

She saw me at the restaurant and clung to Gramma for dear life.
Then in the car she wouldn't look directly at me.
So she gave up and passed out for nearly THREE hours.
Luckily my friend Dana came over with her squishy little BB:
I wish my arms looked like that!
(OH wait - they do!)
Game of Thrones wasn't on, on Sunday night and I. Was. Devastated.
It completely ruined my 3-day weekend.
Ok - that's a slight exaggeration, but I was bummed.
Monday morning, I awoke and looked gorg:
I worked out before I went to pick up Rosalie on Sunday morning.
I got to shower my bod, but I only dry-shampooed my hair.
So it was AWESOME come Monday.
I spent all morning washing every article of clothing Rosalie, Shawn, and I own.
That was 9 loads.
Count them: NINE LOADS.
And every time I do that to myself, I say: I'm going to do a load every other day.
Never happens.
Shawn's mom called around 12:30 and said they were doing a BBQ for his Aunt Dana (her bday is Wednesday), so we went and chilled there for a few hours.
I was really good. Had a burger with no cheese & no bun.
Steered clear of the chips and only had a quarter of a cup of pasta salad.
I was hungry when I got home, so I threw half a left over, BBQed chicken breast on top of some salad with a little Yumm Sauce and watermelon.
Posted a pic on Instagram of it, but here you go, gentle readers:
NBD or anything, but Café Yumm "liked" my photo on IG.
I know, such a balla.
If anyone is trying to find the moral of this story blog, it is to go date Shawn's friends.
Because they are cool single.
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!


Friday, May 24, 2013

Winner: Michelle

Betya thought I wasn't gonna blog today.
Got ya.

So yesterday, I was a whiney, sniffly beez-ball of fun:

So what if I pouted all day?
Luckily Ro was in the mood for cuddles & loves.
I hate being sick.
It's such a waste of my time.
I took 2 days off from the gym this week.
Also: just because you can't taste it Michelle, doesn't mean it doesn't count calorically.
Freaking Pizza Hut.
AND HOT DIGGITY DOG. My nostrils were as raw as sashimi (no, I didn't know that word. I literally just Googled "raw fish sushi"...because I am an idiot)!
Advice for next cold: spring for the Kleenex.
1-Ply toilet paper your fiancé buys ain't gonna cut it.
Today I was back in action.
I hit up the treadmill for a non-stop 2 miles.
I decided to see how many minutes I could run.
Set a goal for 20 minutes of straight running and ended up doing it, no prob.
Guess I'll have to step it up tomorrow.
Feeling 82% better.
Yes, I wore that sweater on Saturday & posted an almost identical pic.
Get over it.
Anyway, my madre is coming to pick up Rosalie tomorrow at some point because they are obsessed with each other.
Shawn and I are going to the movies and dinner.
I think young parents, old parents, straight parents, gay parents, ALL PARENTS deserve a date night here and there.
We're looking forward to it.
So guys, grab a gal (or a guy)! And treat her to some grub.
Then we all have Monday off, so I'm really looking forward to this weekend!
Well folks - I know these have been short & sweet lately, but I don't want y'all to get sick of me just yet.
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Michelle VS. Cold Virus

Do you ever lose something in plain sight?
I looked everywhere for my hair brush this morning.
On my bathroom counter. Next to my coffee.
And you know when the only things that makes your sinus headache go away is pressure?
I do this each time I pee at work.
It seriously helps.
Today I have had:
2 Benadryl (dumb)
1 Alka-Seltzer Plus
1 Emergen-C
2 Advil
My head is currently laying on my keyboard:
;alkdjf;lakn;kerjn;coij;e;lkan;kejn;caoiuelj;rokah;krjht;aoiujc'posdjfkj a;sdkj;oaiefj; dnfkjah ;difa ;kdfj;aoi jfaojf;u3;oihi;suhpg 9a3u5rqi4kj;alkdfj;alksd;flkja; so djfk ah; wkjh aujoijd;fkja;skd r;aius;krklj;alkdjf laksjdf;alkjd;flkj;alkje;oijvkj;lkejrkja;coiZ'erkjlkabek;lakdf;o

^^^This is what my brain has to say today.

Sorry guys. That's all I got.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's All Alright

And I know
You've fallen from the sun
Crashing through the clouds
I see you burning out
And I know
That I put up a front
But, maybe, just this once
Let me keep this one.

And it's all alright
I guess it's all alright
I got nothing left inside of my chest
But it's all alright.

Wait - no one else lyrically relates to anything FUN sings?

Set my alarm for 5 o' clock this morning.
But when that little shit started ringing, I turned it off.
Mainly due to the fact that my face was plastered with snot & my throat felt like I had done a night of drinking.
Stupid colds.
I will work out at lunch today. I don't give a crap about Mr. I'm-80-And-Wear-Shorter-Shorts-Than-You-But-Can-Still-Kick-Your-Ass-On-A-Treadmill. He can endure my coughing, sneezing, & snorting.

Last night was pretty calm. Rosalie stuffed a PB&J into her pie hole:

She gets me.
Then she had an awesome jelly-face.
Rose went missing for a while.
Luckily we found her in a pile of stuffed animals.
Close call.
How cute!
Oh yeah. NBD, but our JT tickets came <3
Yeah. Pretty quiet night.
Just the way I like it.
A couple of things though, before I leave you, gentle readers:
1. Does your pee smell like coffee when you drink a cup pot of coffee?
2. Did you know that Emergen-C has 25 calories in it? WTF?
And lastly, this sweater didn't fit me when my friend gave it to me:


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My lovely lady lumps.

Since I'm all out of sorts (not feeling great, didn't go to the gym today, weighed myself after possibly some of the worst eating I have ever done), this blog will be about transformation.
Because Rachel told me so.
And it makes sense.
I need to pay credit where credit is due. AKA give myself props for being such a badass.

This is me & my dad, November 2011.
Right after I gave birth to Rosalie.
Here is me September 2012.
Thanksgiving 2012
This is me, December 2012.
I know, my friends are "cool".
Here's another one (Dec '12).
I thought I looked really good that night.
This is around January 2013
Februaryish 2013
Easter 2013
May 2, 2013
May 18, 2013
When I see it like this, I get it.
No. I'm not a size 2.
No. I'm not at my goal weight.
No. My BMI isn't where it should be.
No. My goal dress doesn't zip-up..
No. I don't have "abs" yet (the closest thing I have to a 6-pack is in the beer fridge).
When I see these two pics:
I have a clearer mind of who I am, where I've been, & how far I've come.
And just with this little blog, I'm seeing it.
And I'm PROUD.
My lovely lady lumps are less lump & bump and more tight & right.
So, always remember:
Thanks Rachel - for always opening my eyes when I need it the most.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday is MISERABLE.

This is going to be a phreaking photo dump.
Because I'm pretty sure I'm on Day 2 of a hang over.
And I took a ton of pics to prove why I'm hung over.
Oh, I also probably gained 5 lbs. this weekend from Mexican food alone.

Let's start with Friday afternoon. I was DYING for the weekend.
When I got home, someone needed a nap - she had to be in high spirits for Mexican food!
While Ro was asleep, Aunt Sarah AKA Boobie came over.
We had a photo/KEEK sesh.
Once Rose got up, she was gung-ho to get down on some chips & salsa.
After we ate our little hearts out, we went to Church AKA Target.
There we ran into Sarah's brother and his beautiful wife & daughter.
I think Rosalie wants a sibling. Uh oh.
After Rose was down for the night & Sarah left, I tried to take a "sexy" pic (you know, how they do) of myself.
This is how it turned out.
You're welcome.
Saturday, Sarah and I went wedding dress shopping (for her).
She found one!
I would post more pics, but I can't ruin the surprise.
After I got home from dress shopping, Shawn's parents picked up Rose.
We went out on the town.
And got photobombed by Marisa.
Then we thought it was a good idea to take drop-shots.
I sipped mine for like 20 minutes.
My bro days are over.
I dragged Marisa to the bathroom & snapped this pic for your enjoyment.
We ran into this gurl.
I was so damn excited.
I heart Mallory.
After a while we walked to another bar.
That's when we started looking like this.
Kevin had to pee.
Things really started going down hill for me on the walk to the next bar.
Slipped and hit my knee.
First thought? I hope I can still run.
I know, such an athlete.
Shawn found me a rose on the ground.
Kevin got me a shot of Patron.
Kevin wins.
It's ok. I still love him.
This was me Sunday morning.
Then I got McDonalds.
Things were better for awhile.
We picked up Rose and she was immediately ready for a nap.
So she grabbed a tampon and off to bed she went!
Later that afternoon I baked GF chocolate chip cookies.
Those perked me right up.
We went to bed at an ungodly hour (8pm?) after we watched Game of Thrones & little bit of North America.
It was a great weekend, but I am reminded of why I hardly drink anymore.
You see, we drank on Saturday night. It is now Monday morning & I'm pretty sure I'm still hung over.
And my gut is definitely getting kicked in the ass for all the food I ate.
Oh well, like Rachel said, "old habits die hard."
Don't they just?
Rose and I bid you good day.
Happy Monday!